I want to say a big THANK YOU ! to all the testers who applied and silently suffered for science... and "suffered" is not a vain word. Besides testing the technical aspects of the gear, they also experienced what it means to be a Bane. It does have a strong emotional impact, and I'm talking about two days only.
So I'm getting back to work on tweaking a few things for the better (or worse), thanks to their feedback and suggestions, finishing the maintenance stations, building the lab and release area, and finally making the group rules. Whew !
But it's all for your own good, y'know ^_^
Dr. Marine
Here is WinthorpeFoghorn Zinnemann's comment that I had to delete due to her email address showing in clear... which is just asking to be spammed. So here it is, without the address :
Dear Marine, thanks for the opportunity. I am still locked in as I had to leave for the weekend and away from ADSL. I guess I will get out of the suit this Monday night, or Tuesday. In case you need the notecard earlier than that, please contact me through my e-mail address, xxx@xxx.xxx - having Inventory unavailable, I have of course written my notes off-world and thus can let you have them as soon as you need them. Happy Easter,
Hi Win, thank you so much for participating... and you're the last tester to be released. No problem for Monday as far as I'm concerned, and no rush for the test report :)
Happy Easter and see you next Monday !
Thank you for letting me participate in the test! It was quite an experience!
Happy Easter!
Thanks for the opportunity to test the suit - I want to say I loved every minute of it - but we all know that's not true.
I had no problems with the suit - though I did feel that there was 1 minor thing i would have wanted added - but then i am a bit evil myself lol
Again, thanks so much for the opportunity.
Cool! Wish I could have participated, got my note in a little late :( Oh well, look foreward to release :)
Thanks for protecting me from spam, Marine - however, my address is on Gmail and it has a pretty good spam filter... almost as good as the chat filter that banesuits have! I have started blogging describing my experience as a bane (but, as per your request, not giving any precise indications on what happens exactly inside the suit!). It's in Italian, but perhaps you can get the gist of it with some automatic translator. The URL is the following: http://win.myblog.it .
Looking forward to seeing you... and get free at last! Love,
Thank you for the incredible opportunity to particiapte in the testing of the bane suit! After a couple days living as a bane, I couldn't wait to be released. Having said that, I admit I missed being seald in the suit almost immediately after I was released. I cannot wait for the day I am banished again!
Someone is suffering SDS already. Hehe. Thank you for participating and for the feedback :)
Dear Marine,
If I need to convey something I'll leave a message in your Yahoo messenger we used before.
Still alive and well
I want to thank you for the opportunity too...
Looking forward for more (especially an operator manual) ... and some friends of mine begging too, lol.
Some light pressure for you to work harder... kidding! I Don't want to push.
Just appreciate and enjoy your work, glad to be able to help a tiny little bit.
Hi Marine
Here ist DollyDoll Dollinger
I am in a Bane for manny Days.
And i must say:" Without the RR Vierer ist only the Half worth.
I like your Work.
But is there a chance to restrict Copy and Past in the Chat Window?
If not, the Mantras can copy´d without read them.
Figures that the week i take off from posting/reading blogs is the week that You call for testers. I'm glad to hear the suit tests went well and I'm looking forward to seeing your design vs. some of the other designs floating around SL.
Don't work to hard!
Thank you all :)
DollyDoll : you must be talking about Sable's Banesuit, but I'm not associated with it in any way, and preventing copy/paste would not even be worth it I think. On top of it, I don't see what these mantras have to do with the Banesuit except to avoid AFK... it is not supposed to brainwash the Bane.
I was a little confused, I saw bane helmets at your shop. Thought you had released them. So I bought one and so did a pet of mine.
Now I find they aren't. I love your work, but really having a product that appears to be one you have been working on for months at your store is just a little out there.
How many others bought it thinking it was your bane helmet?
We are watching you
So, when can we sentence ourselves?
Thank you for making this a reality...it is my greatest fantasy brought to life....if not for my pets i would start adding hours now....You are just amazing..Thank you for putting just so much into it all....N4193
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