Thursday, May 9, 2019

Update to the Dust System

Hi !

Sorry for being silent lately, I'm deep into a RL project that takes all my time but don't worry, I will be back soon.

I'm releasing an update for the Dust System (the surfaces and the controller, not the dusters) to finally fix a bug that had been eluding me for years. Namely, sometimes the surfaces simply don't get dusty again after having been cleaned. Well, except it's not that simple, they do get dusty but they sometimes take way too much time. Let me explain.

As you may already know, each surface has two delays. The first one indicates how much time the surface stays clean, and the second one indicates how much time it takes, once the first delay is elapsed, before it becomes fully dusty again (and it becomes dusty progressively over time between the end of the first delay and the end of the second one). Easy.

Except that when you click on the surface and it's still clean, its timer resets ! That's not good, this means that if the first delay is set to one week (which is the default) and you click on the surface 6 days after having cleaned it, it will take one more week before even beginning to gather dust. So this update is meant to fix that because it had been confusing a few users.

Another change is simply the controller now shares its information (namely the two delays) with the surfaces whenever you press "Refresh", you change the times or when a surface resets or is updated with the "Update Surf" button of the controller menu. That way you can set your times on the controller once and later update your surfaces and/or add new ones, and they will all be in sync without having to do anything manually.

To update your Dust System, you have to do it in two stages.

First click on your controller (rez it if you haven't already), chose "New version ?" to check for the new version, and you will receive your new package after a short time.

Then, instead of rezzing new surfaces (because it is time consuming, and you probably have already placed your surfaces carefully already), derez that controller and rez the new one, the one that is included in the box you've received. No need to rez new surfaces, you will in fact update each of the existing ones automatically by clicking on the new controller and pressing "Update surf.". Wait a moment until all the surfaces are updated, and voila !

Have fun !
