Hi there,
There is an update available for the Camera System... and no way to update it easily. I completely forgot to include an update system in this product, like for example one of those yellow update orbs I include with every copy/no-trans product of mine nowadays. It's an easy thing to do (no-copy/trans products like the RealRestraint ones are a LOT harder, but copy/no-trans ones are fine), but I don't know why, it didn't occur to me to include one before releasing the camera.
To get your update, you need to go to my shop and click on this box laying on the ground on the right side of the kiosk :
If you've bought the Camera System before February 27th 2019, you will get the new box and the update notes that I'm pasting here :
- Private networks appeared in the network list. Now if someone wants to access a private network, they need to know its exact name and enter it after pressing the "Other..." button in the HUD's network menu. Please note that this bug was present in both the HUD and the cameras, so if you don't want to update your already placed cameras, you'll need to distribute new HUDs like the one included in this update.
- A Keymaster would let a non-authorized user get the credentials from their HUD (without being able to access any camera, but still seeing them in their list). A silly bug coming from an instruction that I wrote backwards in the Keymaster's script.
- A Keymaster would let a non-authorized user get the menu by touching it (without being able to access anything, but still seeing some info). This came from the same backwards instruction.
- I've included a second HUD with no scanlines, letting the user click through on any object in-world from the camera's point of view. You may or may not want to distribute this version of the HUD to your users, but the Keymaster still delivers only the HUD with scanlines like before.
- And of course, there is now an update orb that you can rez at any time to get an update if there is one available (or a redelivery if you ever need one).
Have fun !
PS: Big thanks to Golema Sorbet for giving me a detailed reproduction of each bug so I could fix them quickly.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Monday, February 25, 2019
Update to RemVision
After an important update to RemVision, I worked on it a little more to add some interesting features both to the RemVision plugin and to the Earpieces plugin.
Before going further, please be aware that to get this update, you need to request a replacement to the updater. Yes I know, again. This is because the screen has been updated too. However, even if you get a replacement, you can still use the old unrigged lenses (if you need to) because they didn't change at all, so no resizing necessary here.
Changes to the RemVision plugin
No more Unicode support
First of all, the bad news. Since the RemVision plugin was already very big, and since I wanted to add new features, I had to remove Unicode support. In plain English, that means instead of fancy squares and round buttons on the menu, you get "( )" and "(#)" like in other plugins. Unicode support takes 3KB, no less, and that's memory that is needed for more interesting features (such as the ones included in this update). Of course, if you loved Unicode so much that you can't live without it, I strongly recommend you do NOT update :p
New "Front" and "Scarce" buttons on the "Screen" menu
Before this update, the RemVision screen was always in front of all the other HUDs the sub may be wearing. This was on purpose to force her to watch whatever movie you want her to watch. But this was a bit too strict and was getting in the way more often than it was useful. Now with the "Front" switch, you can decide whether the screen goes to the front like before, or before any other HUD so it doesn't get in the way. The default is back now.
When the "Scarce" switch is on, the screen shows itself only 25% of the time (instead of all the time) whenever a new image is displayed. I may or may not add more control later over the probability of showing the screen but for now it is 25% (when on) or 100% (when off, which is the default).
New "Random" button in the "Opacity" menu
This button makes the screen (and its background) take a random opacity between 1% and 100% every time the picture changes, with a slight bias towards 100%.
New "Random" button in the "Position" menu
This button makes it so the screen takes a random position on the sub's view every time a new picture is displayed, with a slight bias towards "Whole screen". It does NOT change the size though, which stays the one you selected with the "Small" switch.
New "Custom" button in the "Background" menu
You can now specify your own background by entering the UUID of the texture you want. To get the UUID of the texture from your inventory, provided it is full-perms for you, simply right-click on it and select "Copy Asset UUID", which will copy the UUID to your clipboard, and you will be able to paste it in the text box that shows when you press "Custom" in the Background menu.
Optimized the memory in the plugin and the screen
I heard about the screen crashing in certain circumstances, so I optimized it a bit more to protect it against crashes better. Hopefully this time it won't crash anymore (those who had the problem didn't report any crash after testing the change, at least).
Shuffle when reaching the end of the tape
When you have made the playlist random (in the Sections menu) and the end of the tape is reached and when in "loop" mode, RemVision will re-shuffle the playlist so the sub does not see the exact same pictures in the exact same order again, making it truly random without risking to see the same sections too often (since a random playlist features each section only once). Of course, if the last section before the end of the playlist ends up being the first one after being re-shuffled, the sub will see the same section twice in a row, but I can't avoid that.
Changes to the Earpieces plugin
The Earpieces plugin is reachable either through the plugins list or from the RemVision plugin. It used to be exactly the same as the Hood plugin of the Isolation Hood, but it has evolved quite a bit in this update (I'm considering porting the new features to the hood as well later).
New buttons in the menu
Until now, when you pressed "Hear chat", the sub (who had to be a RLV user naturally) couldn't hear anything said on the chat at all, only emotes. However, a lot of people embed emotes into chat, and chat into emotes. For example :
Avatar: Hey there! *waves*
Avatar waves "Hey there!"
Now if the "Jam" button is on (which it is by default), instead of seeing "...", the sub will see something like :
Avatar: chy tsskhr! *waves*
Avatar waves "Hfkr skrtrk!"
In other words, everything that is between stars ("*") is not garbled, and everything that is between double quotes (""") is always garbled. By garbled I mean jammed, because there's a lot of "kkrrhfft"-like letters, as if you were hearing static.
If the "OOC" switch is on (it is off by default) then OOC chat (which is between "((" and "))") will not be garbled at all, provided the first two characters are "((".
The "Jam level" button goes from 25% to 100% with a step of 25% every time you click on it (it is 75% by default), which means that roughly each letter outside an emote has as many chances of being replaced.
Of course, if you don't want your sub to hear anything at all, even emotes embedded in chat, switch "Jam" to off and it will behave like before.
I strongly suggest turning "Show '...'" off in the RLV menu of your viewer.
To update your restraint and benefit from this fix, you need to go to one of these locations :
My Little Shop
Chorazin's store
Roper's Dark Playground
Dark Wishes
Once there, click on the updater and follow the instructions. You need to choose "REPLACE". Don't forget to save your times before requesting a replacement. If you do not get a "REPLACE" option, contact me (Marine Kelley) to get a manual replacement.
Have fun !
After an important update to RemVision, I worked on it a little more to add some interesting features both to the RemVision plugin and to the Earpieces plugin.
Before going further, please be aware that to get this update, you need to request a replacement to the updater. Yes I know, again. This is because the screen has been updated too. However, even if you get a replacement, you can still use the old unrigged lenses (if you need to) because they didn't change at all, so no resizing necessary here.
Changes to the RemVision plugin
No more Unicode support
First of all, the bad news. Since the RemVision plugin was already very big, and since I wanted to add new features, I had to remove Unicode support. In plain English, that means instead of fancy squares and round buttons on the menu, you get "( )" and "(#)" like in other plugins. Unicode support takes 3KB, no less, and that's memory that is needed for more interesting features (such as the ones included in this update). Of course, if you loved Unicode so much that you can't live without it, I strongly recommend you do NOT update :p
New "Front" and "Scarce" buttons on the "Screen" menu
Before this update, the RemVision screen was always in front of all the other HUDs the sub may be wearing. This was on purpose to force her to watch whatever movie you want her to watch. But this was a bit too strict and was getting in the way more often than it was useful. Now with the "Front" switch, you can decide whether the screen goes to the front like before, or before any other HUD so it doesn't get in the way. The default is back now.
When the "Scarce" switch is on, the screen shows itself only 25% of the time (instead of all the time) whenever a new image is displayed. I may or may not add more control later over the probability of showing the screen but for now it is 25% (when on) or 100% (when off, which is the default).
New "Random" button in the "Opacity" menu
This button makes the screen (and its background) take a random opacity between 1% and 100% every time the picture changes, with a slight bias towards 100%.
New "Random" button in the "Position" menu
This button makes it so the screen takes a random position on the sub's view every time a new picture is displayed, with a slight bias towards "Whole screen". It does NOT change the size though, which stays the one you selected with the "Small" switch.
New "Custom" button in the "Background" menu
You can now specify your own background by entering the UUID of the texture you want. To get the UUID of the texture from your inventory, provided it is full-perms for you, simply right-click on it and select "Copy Asset UUID", which will copy the UUID to your clipboard, and you will be able to paste it in the text box that shows when you press "Custom" in the Background menu.
Optimized the memory in the plugin and the screen
I heard about the screen crashing in certain circumstances, so I optimized it a bit more to protect it against crashes better. Hopefully this time it won't crash anymore (those who had the problem didn't report any crash after testing the change, at least).
Shuffle when reaching the end of the tape
When you have made the playlist random (in the Sections menu) and the end of the tape is reached and when in "loop" mode, RemVision will re-shuffle the playlist so the sub does not see the exact same pictures in the exact same order again, making it truly random without risking to see the same sections too often (since a random playlist features each section only once). Of course, if the last section before the end of the playlist ends up being the first one after being re-shuffled, the sub will see the same section twice in a row, but I can't avoid that.
Changes to the Earpieces plugin
The Earpieces plugin is reachable either through the plugins list or from the RemVision plugin. It used to be exactly the same as the Hood plugin of the Isolation Hood, but it has evolved quite a bit in this update (I'm considering porting the new features to the hood as well later).
New buttons in the menu
Until now, when you pressed "Hear chat", the sub (who had to be a RLV user naturally) couldn't hear anything said on the chat at all, only emotes. However, a lot of people embed emotes into chat, and chat into emotes. For example :
Avatar: Hey there! *waves*
Avatar waves "Hey there!"
Now if the "Jam" button is on (which it is by default), instead of seeing "...", the sub will see something like :
Avatar: chy tsskhr! *waves*
Avatar waves "Hfkr skrtrk!"
In other words, everything that is between stars ("*") is not garbled, and everything that is between double quotes (""") is always garbled. By garbled I mean jammed, because there's a lot of "kkrrhfft"-like letters, as if you were hearing static.
If the "OOC" switch is on (it is off by default) then OOC chat (which is between "((" and "))") will not be garbled at all, provided the first two characters are "((".
The "Jam level" button goes from 25% to 100% with a step of 25% every time you click on it (it is 75% by default), which means that roughly each letter outside an emote has as many chances of being replaced.
Of course, if you don't want your sub to hear anything at all, even emotes embedded in chat, switch "Jam" to off and it will behave like before.
I strongly suggest turning "Show '...'" off in the RLV menu of your viewer.
To update your restraint and benefit from this fix, you need to go to one of these locations :
My Little Shop
Chorazin's store
Roper's Dark Playground
Dark Wishes
Once there, click on the updater and follow the instructions. You need to choose "REPLACE". Don't forget to save your times before requesting a replacement. If you do not get a "REPLACE" option, contact me (Marine Kelley) to get a manual replacement.
Have fun !
Friday, February 22, 2019
Tips & Tricks with RLV
Hi !
This post is meant to be a sticky, something you come back to time and again when you have a particular question or trouble with the RLV. I will probably bring more and more stuff in here over time as I think of interesting subjects, or as I add more features to the RLV.
This is not meant to be an advertisement for the RLV, or a "is this RLV better than another" kind of post. If you are reading this, there's a good chance you are a RLV user already and you are looking to improve your experience. Or you are simply wondering what the hell you've just downloaded.
Lastly, this post talks only about the original RLV (with a few nods to other viewers) but does not talk about RLV features in particular. Instead, it talks about all the rest, the enhancements, the little differences, the tips and tricks that are proper to this viewer and that I can't live without.
Most of the enhancements listed below are also written in the "RestrainedLove Readme first.txt" file contained in the RLV folder after you've installed it, as well as a lot of information I do not repeat here (notably about shared folders).
First and foremost, you can download the RLV here.
"RLV" stands for "Restrained Love Viewer", but it was initially named "Restrained Life Viewer" until Linden Lab (owners of Second Life) decided that the word "Life" was forbidden in any third party viewer (open source viewers maintained by users like you and me). It is one of the first third party viewers and started in November 2007. It is still active and maintained to this day and has been through many updates over the years.
It was originally aimed at the BDSM community to improve their experience but it quickly evolved into something much more general, and is now used in combat sims, in stores for mannequins, even by disabled people... There is no trace of kinky activity anywhere in the code or in the specification, the only reminder of its origins is its very name.
Nowadays, almost all the third party viewers are RLV-compatible. This post is not meant to talk about them but just to avoid any confusion, please note that "RLV-compatible" means "compliant with the RLV API" and "scripts should not have to wonder whether they are talking to this RLV or that RLV, all RLVs should behave the same in a a script's standpoint".
Debug Settings
The RLV has several debug settings that you can modify by hand, and they are all persistent across sessions. If a section below refers to a debug setting to change, here is how to do that.
Open the Advanced menu (if you don't see it, press Ctrl Alt D to make it appear) in the top menu bar, then choose "Debug settings" near the bottom :
Then type "Restr" (no need to go further, it auto-completes to "RestrainedLove") :
Then click on the drop down list to choose the debug setting you want to change, all the RLV debug settings begin with "RestrainedLove" (naturally, if you want to change another one like "AutomaticFly", naturally don't type "RestrainedLove" but "AutomaticFly" in the white field) :
Once you click on the debug setting you want to change, select one of the options to change its value. For example, here "RestrainedLoveHeadMouselookRenderRigged" is a boolean (i.e. either FALSE or TRUE) so it has only two options, FALSE and TRUE.
Once you modify the value, it generally takes effect immediately unless written otherwise in the description.
Useful debug settings
Below is a list of debug settings I like to change to values that work best for me. You may or may not want to use the same values, but just for your information here is the list. Except RevokePermsOnStopAnimation. You want that one FALSE.
AutomaticFly : FALSE
CameraFocalLength : 10.0
CloseChatOnReturn : TRUE (so you don't have to manually focus out of the chat bar)
DisableCameraConstraints : TRUE
EnvironmentPersistAcrossLogin : TRUE
InventoryLinking : TRUE (to show the "Paste As Link" menu item in the inventory)
InventoryOutboxMakeVisible : TRUE (only useful for merchants)
RenderShadowBias : -0.001
RenderShadowBlurSize : 0.0 (so you can have sharp shadows and AO at the same time)
RenderSpotShadowBias : 0.0
RenderSpotShadowOffset : 0.010 (so the shadows are not cropped)
RenderSSAOEffect : x=0.7 (makes the AO shadows more pronounced)
RenderSSAOFactor : 1.0 (same)
RenderVolumeLODFactor : 4.0 (the default 1.125 is way too low)
RevokePermsOnStopAnimation : FALSE (VERY important (*))
AvatarRotateThresholdSlow : 5 (much better than the default 60°)
ShowMyComplexityChanges : 0 (because I don't care about ARC)
NavBarShowCoordinates : TRUE
(*) This one is super important if you ask me. It is TRUE by default and when you manually stop your animations, it also revokes all the animation permissions you've given to scripts, in particular furniture, which breaks them because they still think they have your permission to animate you when you use them. Some can only be fixed by resetting them, but those that are no-mod are irremediably broken and must be replaced, if at all possible. So you want to set "RevokePermsOnStopAnimation" to FALSE to avoid this. I write it in bold to emphasize how important it is.
World shortcuts
* Left-Click on yourself while focusing on something (i.e. not in mouse-steering mode) does nothing if the "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick" debug setting is set to FALSE (it is TRUE by default so you'll have to change manually it for that). This allows you to avoid ruining a shot by accidentally clicking on something you didn't mean to.
* Shift+Left-Click on yourself to go back to mouse-steering mode, even if you click on one of your attachments, even if it's a HUD. This works only if the "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick" debug setting is set to FALSE (it is TRUE by default so you'll have to change it at some point).
* Alt+Right-Click on an object to sit on it directly. This is useful when you don't want to pull the context menu and/or when you want to sit in a running vehicle without stopping it dead in its tracks.
* Ctrl+Right-Click on an object or an attachment to edit it.
* Shift+Right-Click on an object (not an attachment) to open it.
* Shift+Right-Click on an attachment (not an in-world object) to detach it (if not RLV-locked).
* Ctrl+Alt+M (or AltGr+M) to go in and out of Mouselook mode.
* Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A to reset all the animations. This is a local action to synchronize all the animations on your side (useful for photos and/or when you are with a partner), nobody else sees any change.
* Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V to refresh all the objects around you. This is equivalent to right-clicking on all the objects in the vicinity one after the other, and is useful if something seems off, a prim did not update its state, or something like that.
* Ctrl+T : Hide and show the IM window. I say "IM window" because you can tear the chat panel off it and have one panel for all the IMs and another just for the chat, like in V1.
* Hold Shift while in Mouselook for a more precise aim.
* Hold Alt while in Mouselook to allow for clicking on in-world objects even if your controls are grabbed (for example by a gun, which defaults left click to "fire").
* Ctrl+Alt+R to force a rebake of your appearance, which also sanitizes your Current Outfit Folder, for example removing doubloons. This is also done automatically after any change in what you wear.
* Shortcuts like "Request admin status" (which yields a "Request for special powers failed. This request has been logged." response, which can be chilling) and other LL-only actions have been removed.
Edit shortcuts
These shortcuts are useful when editing an object.
* Alt+W to switch "Edit Linked" on and off.
* Alt+S to switch to the "Move" mode.
* Alt+X to switch to the "Select Face" mode.
* Alt+C to switch to the "Align" mode.
* Alt+T to switch "Stretch Textures" on and off.
* Alt+B to switch "Stretch Both Sides" on and off.
* Alt+R to set the ruler mode to "World" or "Attachment".
* Alt+F to set the ruler mode to "Local".
* Alt+V to set the ruler mode to "Reference".
* Alt+G to set the current selected object as the Reference and to set the ruler mode to "Reference".
You can find all those shortcuts in the Build / Options menu :
Other enhancements
* Invisible surfaces are not rendered unless "highlight invisible" is active (that's Ctrl+Alt+T). This speeds the rendering up a little especially if you or people around you are wearing a lot of invisible attachments.
* Rigged attachments worn on any head attachment point are not rendered in Mouselook if the "RestrainedLoveHeadMouselookRenderRigged" debug setting is set to FALSE (which is its default value).
* The UI is visible while in Mouselook and you can hold the Alt key to use your cursor across different UI elements like the inventory window.
* RLV floaters (courtesy of Chorazin Allen of Kokua). You open them from different items in the RLV menu, they are meant to let you control your current RLV restrictions and states much more easily and with a much finer grain.
* When someone around you types something in the chat (not an emote), you see "Typing" above their name if their name is visible.
Viewer-to-RLV IM commands
If you are IMing someone who is using this RLV, you can send commands to them through IM, even if you are not a RLV user yourself. Those commands are :
* @version to get the version of the RLV they are using.
* @getblacklist to get the list of blacklisted commands in their RLV (note : nowadays the RLV is hardcore, meaning it has no blacklist, no OOC exception and no mean to turn RLV features off so this command will yield nothing).
* @list to get the list of restrictions the other party is currently under.
* @stopim to remotely close the IM session (useful if they are under a @startim restriction).
Those commands can be entered by hand or by clicking on any of the four menu items in this menu :
If an automatic response is sent by the other party's RLV, they won't see anything, only you will. If they don't use the RLV, they will see the command like any other IM (and will probably ask you what that means).
Problems & Solutions
I don't see how to uninstall the RLV
In fact, the RLV does not install itself, the "RestrainedLoveSetup.exe" file might be an executable, but it is actually a self-extracting archive (in other words, a zip file that extracts itself). To remove it from your hard drive, simply delete the folder you've "installed" the RLV to.
Speaking of which, when you download a new RLV, it is always a good idea to completely delete the old one before "installing" the new one so there is no conflict.
The RLV saves its cache in C:\Users\(YourName)\AppData\Local\RLV .
My textures are constantly getting blurry and downloading
This is a common problem, usually called "texture thrashing". To solve it, the best way is to set the value of "Texture Memory" to 1552 in the graphics preferences.
Open the preferences with Ctrl+P, go to "Graphics", click on "Advanced Settings..." and drag the Texture Memory slider until it reaches 1552. No more, no less.
Why 1552 and no other number ? The explanation can be found here.
I want to see materials but my computer is not fast enough to render shadows
Simple. Open the Preferences, go to "Graphics", click on "Advanced Settings..." (see above). First, make sure "Advanced Lighting Model" ("ALM") is on so you can see materials, and switch the "Shadows" drop down list to "None".
The viewer is so slow it is unusable
If you find the viewer crawl down like a snail although your computer is good (or even passable, or even low end, you should still be able to experience some kind of smoothness), it might be because you are trying to use Voice without the appropriate extensions installed.
Although the official SL viewer ships with Voice installed, third party viewers do not have the right to include the corresponding extensions because they are proprietary.
You have two options. Either turn off Voice completely in the Preferences ("Sound & Media" panel), like this :
Or install the Voice extension from the official SL viewer that you must download.
The files are :
- SLVoice.exe
- vivoxsdk_x64.dll
- ortp_x64.dll
Copy them from the folder where you installed the SL viewer, into the folder where you installed the RLV, and relog.
Ok, the viewer is usable but still a bit slow
Make sure "Vertex Buffer Objects" and "Avatar Hardware Skinning" are activated in the advanced graphics preferences.
I see green people (or blue or yellow or pink etc)
In the graphics preferences, set "Avatar Maximum Complexity" to "No Limit" or at least activate "Always Render Friends". If you're afraid it will slow down your viewer, fret not. "ARC" (Avatar Rendering Cost, which is checked against "avatar maximum complexity") is merely an indication of the complexity of the visual rendering of an avatar, including their attachments. It is not because their ARC is high that they slow your viewer down, especially knowing that ARC includes invisible surfaces (in fact, it includes them four times) that the RLV does not render in the first place.
I want certain folders in my #RLV to never be detached by a script
Simply add "nostrip" at the end of the name of the folder or the item (if you can modify it) that you don't want detached. It can still be detached by hand, but a script won't be able to detach it anymore until you rename it and remove the "nostrip" tag.
What's the difference between RLV and RLVa ?
RLV and RLVa are two different implementations of the same specification (a.k.a. the "RLV API" that you find here) and are supposed to react the same way to the same commands sent by scripts.
In practice, there are some differences but they are minimal. RLVa (the "a" stands for "alternate") is primarily used in the Catznip viewer, then when mature enough in the Firestorm viewer as well as Singularity. It is maintained by Kitty Barnett, not by me so I can't provide support for it.
What other viewers use the RLV code ?
The ones I know of are :
* Kokua (formely Imprudence, maintained by Chorazin Allen, previously by Nicky Perian) : A Firestorm-like interface with the same enhancements, but with my RLV code instead of RLVa (so it handles the vision restriction commands of the RLV 2.9 spec, which RLVa and therefore Firestorm -- at the time of this writing -- cannot).
* Cool VL (formerly Cool Viewer, maintained by Henri Beauchamp) : A SLv1-like interface with many enhancements, and my RLV code.
There are others but I can't remember off the top of my head.
Have fun !
This post is meant to be a sticky, something you come back to time and again when you have a particular question or trouble with the RLV. I will probably bring more and more stuff in here over time as I think of interesting subjects, or as I add more features to the RLV.
This is not meant to be an advertisement for the RLV, or a "is this RLV better than another" kind of post. If you are reading this, there's a good chance you are a RLV user already and you are looking to improve your experience. Or you are simply wondering what the hell you've just downloaded.
Lastly, this post talks only about the original RLV (with a few nods to other viewers) but does not talk about RLV features in particular. Instead, it talks about all the rest, the enhancements, the little differences, the tips and tricks that are proper to this viewer and that I can't live without.
Most of the enhancements listed below are also written in the "RestrainedLove Readme first.txt" file contained in the RLV folder after you've installed it, as well as a lot of information I do not repeat here (notably about shared folders).
First and foremost, you can download the RLV here.
"RLV" stands for "Restrained Love Viewer", but it was initially named "Restrained Life Viewer" until Linden Lab (owners of Second Life) decided that the word "Life" was forbidden in any third party viewer (open source viewers maintained by users like you and me). It is one of the first third party viewers and started in November 2007. It is still active and maintained to this day and has been through many updates over the years.
It was originally aimed at the BDSM community to improve their experience but it quickly evolved into something much more general, and is now used in combat sims, in stores for mannequins, even by disabled people... There is no trace of kinky activity anywhere in the code or in the specification, the only reminder of its origins is its very name.
Nowadays, almost all the third party viewers are RLV-compatible. This post is not meant to talk about them but just to avoid any confusion, please note that "RLV-compatible" means "compliant with the RLV API" and "scripts should not have to wonder whether they are talking to this RLV or that RLV, all RLVs should behave the same in a a script's standpoint".
Debug Settings
The RLV has several debug settings that you can modify by hand, and they are all persistent across sessions. If a section below refers to a debug setting to change, here is how to do that.
Open the Advanced menu (if you don't see it, press Ctrl Alt D to make it appear) in the top menu bar, then choose "Debug settings" near the bottom :
Then type "Restr" (no need to go further, it auto-completes to "RestrainedLove") :
Then click on the drop down list to choose the debug setting you want to change, all the RLV debug settings begin with "RestrainedLove" (naturally, if you want to change another one like "AutomaticFly", naturally don't type "RestrainedLove" but "AutomaticFly" in the white field) :
Once you click on the debug setting you want to change, select one of the options to change its value. For example, here "RestrainedLoveHeadMouselookRenderRigged" is a boolean (i.e. either FALSE or TRUE) so it has only two options, FALSE and TRUE.
Once you modify the value, it generally takes effect immediately unless written otherwise in the description.
Useful debug settings
Below is a list of debug settings I like to change to values that work best for me. You may or may not want to use the same values, but just for your information here is the list. Except RevokePermsOnStopAnimation. You want that one FALSE.
AutomaticFly : FALSE
CameraFocalLength : 10.0
CloseChatOnReturn : TRUE (so you don't have to manually focus out of the chat bar)
DisableCameraConstraints : TRUE
EnvironmentPersistAcrossLogin : TRUE
InventoryLinking : TRUE (to show the "Paste As Link" menu item in the inventory)
InventoryOutboxMakeVisible : TRUE (only useful for merchants)
RenderShadowBias : -0.001
RenderShadowBlurSize : 0.0 (so you can have sharp shadows and AO at the same time)
RenderSpotShadowBias : 0.0
RenderSpotShadowOffset : 0.010 (so the shadows are not cropped)
RenderSSAOEffect : x=0.7 (makes the AO shadows more pronounced)
RenderSSAOFactor : 1.0 (same)
RenderVolumeLODFactor : 4.0 (the default 1.125 is way too low)
RevokePermsOnStopAnimation : FALSE (VERY important (*))
AvatarRotateThresholdSlow : 5 (much better than the default 60°)
ShowMyComplexityChanges : 0 (because I don't care about ARC)
NavBarShowCoordinates : TRUE
(*) This one is super important if you ask me. It is TRUE by default and when you manually stop your animations, it also revokes all the animation permissions you've given to scripts, in particular furniture, which breaks them because they still think they have your permission to animate you when you use them. Some can only be fixed by resetting them, but those that are no-mod are irremediably broken and must be replaced, if at all possible. So you want to set "RevokePermsOnStopAnimation" to FALSE to avoid this. I write it in bold to emphasize how important it is.
World shortcuts
* Left-Click on yourself while focusing on something (i.e. not in mouse-steering mode) does nothing if the "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick" debug setting is set to FALSE (it is TRUE by default so you'll have to change manually it for that). This allows you to avoid ruining a shot by accidentally clicking on something you didn't mean to.
* Shift+Left-Click on yourself to go back to mouse-steering mode, even if you click on one of your attachments, even if it's a HUD. This works only if the "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick" debug setting is set to FALSE (it is TRUE by default so you'll have to change it at some point).
* Alt+Right-Click on an object to sit on it directly. This is useful when you don't want to pull the context menu and/or when you want to sit in a running vehicle without stopping it dead in its tracks.
* Ctrl+Right-Click on an object or an attachment to edit it.
* Shift+Right-Click on an object (not an attachment) to open it.
* Shift+Right-Click on an attachment (not an in-world object) to detach it (if not RLV-locked).
* Ctrl+Alt+M (or AltGr+M) to go in and out of Mouselook mode.
* Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A to reset all the animations. This is a local action to synchronize all the animations on your side (useful for photos and/or when you are with a partner), nobody else sees any change.
* Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V to refresh all the objects around you. This is equivalent to right-clicking on all the objects in the vicinity one after the other, and is useful if something seems off, a prim did not update its state, or something like that.
* Ctrl+T : Hide and show the IM window. I say "IM window" because you can tear the chat panel off it and have one panel for all the IMs and another just for the chat, like in V1.
* Hold Shift while in Mouselook for a more precise aim.
* Hold Alt while in Mouselook to allow for clicking on in-world objects even if your controls are grabbed (for example by a gun, which defaults left click to "fire").
* Ctrl+Alt+R to force a rebake of your appearance, which also sanitizes your Current Outfit Folder, for example removing doubloons. This is also done automatically after any change in what you wear.
* Shortcuts like "Request admin status" (which yields a "Request for special powers failed. This request has been logged." response, which can be chilling) and other LL-only actions have been removed.
Edit shortcuts
These shortcuts are useful when editing an object.
* Alt+W to switch "Edit Linked" on and off.
* Alt+S to switch to the "Move" mode.
* Alt+X to switch to the "Select Face" mode.
* Alt+C to switch to the "Align" mode.
* Alt+T to switch "Stretch Textures" on and off.
* Alt+B to switch "Stretch Both Sides" on and off.
* Alt+R to set the ruler mode to "World" or "Attachment".
* Alt+F to set the ruler mode to "Local".
* Alt+V to set the ruler mode to "Reference".
* Alt+G to set the current selected object as the Reference and to set the ruler mode to "Reference".
You can find all those shortcuts in the Build / Options menu :
Other enhancements
* Invisible surfaces are not rendered unless "highlight invisible" is active (that's Ctrl+Alt+T). This speeds the rendering up a little especially if you or people around you are wearing a lot of invisible attachments.
* Rigged attachments worn on any head attachment point are not rendered in Mouselook if the "RestrainedLoveHeadMouselookRenderRigged" debug setting is set to FALSE (which is its default value).
* The UI is visible while in Mouselook and you can hold the Alt key to use your cursor across different UI elements like the inventory window.
* RLV floaters (courtesy of Chorazin Allen of Kokua). You open them from different items in the RLV menu, they are meant to let you control your current RLV restrictions and states much more easily and with a much finer grain.
* When someone around you types something in the chat (not an emote), you see "Typing" above their name if their name is visible.
Viewer-to-RLV IM commands
If you are IMing someone who is using this RLV, you can send commands to them through IM, even if you are not a RLV user yourself. Those commands are :
* @version to get the version of the RLV they are using.
* @getblacklist to get the list of blacklisted commands in their RLV (note : nowadays the RLV is hardcore, meaning it has no blacklist, no OOC exception and no mean to turn RLV features off so this command will yield nothing).
* @list to get the list of restrictions the other party is currently under.
* @stopim to remotely close the IM session (useful if they are under a @startim restriction).
Those commands can be entered by hand or by clicking on any of the four menu items in this menu :
If an automatic response is sent by the other party's RLV, they won't see anything, only you will. If they don't use the RLV, they will see the command like any other IM (and will probably ask you what that means).
Problems & Solutions
I don't see how to uninstall the RLV
In fact, the RLV does not install itself, the "RestrainedLoveSetup.exe" file might be an executable, but it is actually a self-extracting archive (in other words, a zip file that extracts itself). To remove it from your hard drive, simply delete the folder you've "installed" the RLV to.
Speaking of which, when you download a new RLV, it is always a good idea to completely delete the old one before "installing" the new one so there is no conflict.
The RLV saves its cache in C:\Users\(YourName)\AppData\Local\RLV .
My textures are constantly getting blurry and downloading
This is a common problem, usually called "texture thrashing". To solve it, the best way is to set the value of "Texture Memory" to 1552 in the graphics preferences.
Open the preferences with Ctrl+P, go to "Graphics", click on "Advanced Settings..." and drag the Texture Memory slider until it reaches 1552. No more, no less.
Why 1552 and no other number ? The explanation can be found here.
I want to see materials but my computer is not fast enough to render shadows
Simple. Open the Preferences, go to "Graphics", click on "Advanced Settings..." (see above). First, make sure "Advanced Lighting Model" ("ALM") is on so you can see materials, and switch the "Shadows" drop down list to "None".
The viewer is so slow it is unusable
If you find the viewer crawl down like a snail although your computer is good (or even passable, or even low end, you should still be able to experience some kind of smoothness), it might be because you are trying to use Voice without the appropriate extensions installed.
Although the official SL viewer ships with Voice installed, third party viewers do not have the right to include the corresponding extensions because they are proprietary.
You have two options. Either turn off Voice completely in the Preferences ("Sound & Media" panel), like this :
Or install the Voice extension from the official SL viewer that you must download.
The files are :
- SLVoice.exe
- vivoxsdk_x64.dll
- ortp_x64.dll
Copy them from the folder where you installed the SL viewer, into the folder where you installed the RLV, and relog.
Ok, the viewer is usable but still a bit slow
Make sure "Vertex Buffer Objects" and "Avatar Hardware Skinning" are activated in the advanced graphics preferences.
I see green people (or blue or yellow or pink etc)
In the graphics preferences, set "Avatar Maximum Complexity" to "No Limit" or at least activate "Always Render Friends". If you're afraid it will slow down your viewer, fret not. "ARC" (Avatar Rendering Cost, which is checked against "avatar maximum complexity") is merely an indication of the complexity of the visual rendering of an avatar, including their attachments. It is not because their ARC is high that they slow your viewer down, especially knowing that ARC includes invisible surfaces (in fact, it includes them four times) that the RLV does not render in the first place.
I want certain folders in my #RLV to never be detached by a script
Simply add "nostrip" at the end of the name of the folder or the item (if you can modify it) that you don't want detached. It can still be detached by hand, but a script won't be able to detach it anymore until you rename it and remove the "nostrip" tag.
What's the difference between RLV and RLVa ?
RLV and RLVa are two different implementations of the same specification (a.k.a. the "RLV API" that you find here) and are supposed to react the same way to the same commands sent by scripts.
In practice, there are some differences but they are minimal. RLVa (the "a" stands for "alternate") is primarily used in the Catznip viewer, then when mature enough in the Firestorm viewer as well as Singularity. It is maintained by Kitty Barnett, not by me so I can't provide support for it.
What other viewers use the RLV code ?
The ones I know of are :
* Kokua (formely Imprudence, maintained by Chorazin Allen, previously by Nicky Perian) : A Firestorm-like interface with the same enhancements, but with my RLV code instead of RLVa (so it handles the vision restriction commands of the RLV 2.9 spec, which RLVa and therefore Firestorm -- at the time of this writing -- cannot).
* Cool VL (formerly Cool Viewer, maintained by Henri Beauchamp) : A SLv1-like interface with many enhancements, and my RLV code.
There are others but I can't remember off the top of my head.
Have fun !
Thursday, February 21, 2019
RLV 2.9.26
Hi there,
This week I was in a "fix the damn annoying bugs already" kind of mood. So that's exactly what I did with the RLV, in particular with the rendering part of the vision restriction features.
Because I couldn't stand this anymore :
Nor this :
So I looked into it and after some significant changes (because those annoyances above were not actually bugs, but side-effects of the way I used to render the vision spheres and all the features that came with them, in particular how to prevent alpha surfaces from poking through said spheres), now I'm happy to say those two quirks are fixed !
See for yourself :
So those two changes above are some of the "annoying bugs" that needed fixin'.
There's also a nice side-effect to this change, which you notice when you press Ctrl Alt T to highlight transparent surfaces in red. Before this version, you had to press Ctrl Alt Shift V to force a complete visual refresh of all the objects around you to make sure all the transparent surfaces were highlighted. This was due to when the faces were registered. Now, you no longer have to do that because the change is immediate.
But that's not all.
How many times did you ruin a perfect shot by clicking on your own avatar, making it turn its back to the camera while you meant to click on one of your attachments instead ?
And how many times did you try to steer your avatar with your mouse but had a hard time finding a good spot to click on (especially when your name tag is hidden) because you are wearing so much unrigged stuff ?
Now there is a new debug setting named "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick" (I didn't find anything longer and more difficult to remember sorry) that is TRUE by default to keep in line with the usual behavior, but if you turn it to FALSE, two things happen :
- Clicking on your avatar no longer switches back to mouse-steering mode unless you press Shift.
- Clicking on your avatar or any of your attachments while Shift is down switches back to mouse-steering mode, regardless of whether the attachment has a touch response or not, and it works through HUDs too (which is great if you're wearing a HUD that takes a lot of space on your screen, like a blindfold, a RemVision screen or whatever).
To change the value of "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick", simply open the Advanced menu (press Ctrl Alt D if you don't see it), go to "Debug Settings", paste "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick" in the white field then click on "FALSE", and that's it. I'll add a preference for it later if I can because it is a bit buried right now.
Speaking of debug setting, you might have noticed that when "Show Debug Messages" was active in the RLV menu, getting a lot of RLV commands at the same time would slow your viewer down to a crawl until the flow of commands stops. This was due to the viewer sending a lot of debug traces in the console at the same time.
Now, with the new "RestrainedLoveLogging" debug setting, the debug traces are only sent to the console when it is set to TRUE (it is FALSE by default), so no more slowdown when "Show Debug Messages" is active. This is actually Chorazin Allen's work on Kokua, all I did was take his changes and integrate them into the RLV itself. Thanks Chorazin !
Finally, there was a bug that made the viewer crash when receiving a @getstatusall and being under a ton of RLV restrictions. It took some time to fix and test, but I'm confident it won't be a problem anymore now.
No need to paste the changelist here, it basically repeats all that I have explained above.
You can grab the Windows version here :
The MD5 hash for the Windows executable is :
Have fun !
PS : If you experience trouble with disappearing HUDs (for example the Lelutka minimized button) or parts of HUDs, please download again. I have ninja-updated the RLV 2.9.26 twice since its release without increasing the version number because I had to urgently remove a little optimization right before going to bed, then worked a little more and re-added it (with an additional check) the morning after. And I didn't want to increase the version or send a group notice twice while doing it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
For information, the MD5 hash of the initial version (with the bug) was 0350b5f406ff48f154f475ea9532d59b and the one of the second version (without the optimization) was 8262fc9c5e23ebc8642796150fa9a314.
This week I was in a "fix the damn annoying bugs already" kind of mood. So that's exactly what I did with the RLV, in particular with the rendering part of the vision restriction features.
Because I couldn't stand this anymore :
Your silhouette is painting over my body !
Nor this :
What's the deal with my transparent curtains and shadows turning opaque and very shiny when my vision is restricted ??
So I looked into it and after some significant changes (because those annoyances above were not actually bugs, but side-effects of the way I used to render the vision spheres and all the features that came with them, in particular how to prevent alpha surfaces from poking through said spheres), now I'm happy to say those two quirks are fixed !
See for yourself :
Now your silhouette stops doing weird things to my body.
And the curtains look like curtains even when my vision is restricted (which is why it is black outside).
So those two changes above are some of the "annoying bugs" that needed fixin'.
There's also a nice side-effect to this change, which you notice when you press Ctrl Alt T to highlight transparent surfaces in red. Before this version, you had to press Ctrl Alt Shift V to force a complete visual refresh of all the objects around you to make sure all the transparent surfaces were highlighted. This was due to when the faces were registered. Now, you no longer have to do that because the change is immediate.
But that's not all.
How many times did you ruin a perfect shot by clicking on your own avatar, making it turn its back to the camera while you meant to click on one of your attachments instead ?
And how many times did you try to steer your avatar with your mouse but had a hard time finding a good spot to click on (especially when your name tag is hidden) because you are wearing so much unrigged stuff ?
Now there is a new debug setting named "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick" (I didn't find anything longer and more difficult to remember sorry) that is TRUE by default to keep in line with the usual behavior, but if you turn it to FALSE, two things happen :
- Clicking on your avatar no longer switches back to mouse-steering mode unless you press Shift.
- Clicking on your avatar or any of your attachments while Shift is down switches back to mouse-steering mode, regardless of whether the attachment has a touch response or not, and it works through HUDs too (which is great if you're wearing a HUD that takes a lot of space on your screen, like a blindfold, a RemVision screen or whatever).
To change the value of "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick", simply open the Advanced menu (press Ctrl Alt D if you don't see it), go to "Debug Settings", paste "RestrainedLoveBreakFocusOnClick" in the white field then click on "FALSE", and that's it. I'll add a preference for it later if I can because it is a bit buried right now.
Speaking of debug setting, you might have noticed that when "Show Debug Messages" was active in the RLV menu, getting a lot of RLV commands at the same time would slow your viewer down to a crawl until the flow of commands stops. This was due to the viewer sending a lot of debug traces in the console at the same time.
Now, with the new "RestrainedLoveLogging" debug setting, the debug traces are only sent to the console when it is set to TRUE (it is FALSE by default), so no more slowdown when "Show Debug Messages" is active. This is actually Chorazin Allen's work on Kokua, all I did was take his changes and integrate them into the RLV itself. Thanks Chorazin !
Finally, there was a bug that made the viewer crash when receiving a @getstatusall and being under a ton of RLV restrictions. It took some time to fix and test, but I'm confident it won't be a problem anymore now.
No need to paste the changelist here, it basically repeats all that I have explained above.
You can grab the Windows version here :
The MD5 hash for the Windows executable is :
Have fun !
PS : If you experience trouble with disappearing HUDs (for example the Lelutka minimized button) or parts of HUDs, please download again. I have ninja-updated the RLV 2.9.26 twice since its release without increasing the version number because I had to urgently remove a little optimization right before going to bed, then worked a little more and re-added it (with an additional check) the morning after. And I didn't want to increase the version or send a group notice twice while doing it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
For information, the MD5 hash of the initial version (with the bug) was 0350b5f406ff48f154f475ea9532d59b and the one of the second version (without the optimization) was 8262fc9c5e23ebc8642796150fa9a314.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Here is the latest version of the RLV with a few bug fixes and an improvements that will hopefully help you as much as it helps me.
Here is the list of changes :
- changed : When minimized, the icon of the viewer will no longer flash when someone is just typing in IM, it will still flash when receiving the actual message.
- changed : Force a rebake (and an Current Outfit Folder check) after TPing. This should help with the "lost attachments" bug that occurs sometimes, where what is in the COF and what you wear is not in sync, causing trouble when you relog.
- fixed : The viewer was slowing down when receiving a lot of RLV commands at the same time. It was due to Kokua's RLV floaters refreshing themselves even when hidden, thank you Chorazin Allen for looking into it and fixing it.
- fixed : Alpha-blended rigged attachments are no longer rendered beyond the vision restriction spheres at all, and this time it does not distinguish between materials, non-materials, fullbright, shiny and all that stuff.
- fixed : Set MAX_ATTACHMENT_REQUEST_LIFETIME back to 30 s. I had changed it to 3600 s (one hour) to make sure attachments requests would not time out on relog, but it did more harm than good.
As you can see, I'm hoping that the "objects getting detached after a TP" bug will go away, and after two days of TPing all over the place with nearly all my attachments slots taken, I can say that I didn't get any such bug, even after a few relogs. Of course, this bug being random means you can never be 100% sure it is fixed for good, so we'll see in the long run.
There's also the alpha-blended rigged surfaces rendering over the vision restriction spheres. This was due to the optimization in RLV 2.9.25. I've optimized a little more and fixed that pesky bug.
Oh and about the icon flashing, if that changes annoys too many people, I will add a debug setting in a future version. For now, this is just a convenience change because why flash the icon when somebody is just typing (or stopped typing), especially when there is no open IM session with this person, right ? It annoys be when someone is typing a long-winded request in IM (like, it literally takes 10 minutes to type) while I'm working on something else, because my icon is flashing the whole time and I can't get anything done since I am distracted by this. This change is meant to fix this.
You can grab the Windows version here :
The MD5 hash for the Windows executable is :
Have fun,
Here is the latest version of the RLV with a few bug fixes and an improvements that will hopefully help you as much as it helps me.
Here is the list of changes :
- changed : When minimized, the icon of the viewer will no longer flash when someone is just typing in IM, it will still flash when receiving the actual message.
- changed : Force a rebake (and an Current Outfit Folder check) after TPing. This should help with the "lost attachments" bug that occurs sometimes, where what is in the COF and what you wear is not in sync, causing trouble when you relog.
- fixed : The viewer was slowing down when receiving a lot of RLV commands at the same time. It was due to Kokua's RLV floaters refreshing themselves even when hidden, thank you Chorazin Allen for looking into it and fixing it.
- fixed : Alpha-blended rigged attachments are no longer rendered beyond the vision restriction spheres at all, and this time it does not distinguish between materials, non-materials, fullbright, shiny and all that stuff.
- fixed : Set MAX_ATTACHMENT_REQUEST_LIFETIME back to 30 s. I had changed it to 3600 s (one hour) to make sure attachments requests would not time out on relog, but it did more harm than good.
As you can see, I'm hoping that the "objects getting detached after a TP" bug will go away, and after two days of TPing all over the place with nearly all my attachments slots taken, I can say that I didn't get any such bug, even after a few relogs. Of course, this bug being random means you can never be 100% sure it is fixed for good, so we'll see in the long run.
There's also the alpha-blended rigged surfaces rendering over the vision restriction spheres. This was due to the optimization in RLV 2.9.25. I've optimized a little more and fixed that pesky bug.
Oh and about the icon flashing, if that changes annoys too many people, I will add a debug setting in a future version. For now, this is just a convenience change because why flash the icon when somebody is just typing (or stopped typing), especially when there is no open IM session with this person, right ? It annoys be when someone is typing a long-winded request in IM (like, it literally takes 10 minutes to type) while I'm working on something else, because my icon is flashing the whole time and I can't get anything done since I am distracted by this. This change is meant to fix this.
You can grab the Windows version here :
The MD5 hash for the Windows executable is :
Have fun,
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Update to RemVision
Here is an update to RemVision if you have trouble loading a tape and seeing only a black screen after you do. This was a long-standing bug that required specific circumstances to reproduce.
This update requires you to replace your RemVision product, a simple update won't do (in fact, it will break it if you try).
The symptom of this bug is that you try to load a tape (either one of the six free tapes contained in the box, or any other movie you bought) and despite it appears to copy just fine, your RemVision screen or your sub's screen remains black whatever you do.
This happens when the sim where you load the tape is laggy or slow, for example a homestead. I'm sorry, when I designed this product, I tested it in my sim which is a full region, and I didn't realize the difference in speed. It has taken me a while to track, identify and fix that bug. The technical reason was the encryption which is time-based, and the fact that the track scripts took too long to decrypt messages coming from the tape when loading, and a queue ensued, meaning the timestamps were invalid by the time the new messages were treated. Hence the black screen. After this fix, the track scripts decrypt much faster, fast enough to overcome this problem.
To update your restraint and benefit from this fix, you need to go to one of these locations :
My Little Shop
Chorazin's store
Roper's Dark Playground
Dark Wishes
Once there, click on the updater and follow the instructions. You need to choose "REPLACE". Don't forget to save your times before requesting a replacement. If you do not get a "REPLACE" option, contact me (Marine Kelley) to get a manual replacement.
Have fun !
PS : Thank you Camryn Baxter and Aria Warden for letting me use your homes as testing grounds for this one.
Here is an update to RemVision if you have trouble loading a tape and seeing only a black screen after you do. This was a long-standing bug that required specific circumstances to reproduce.
This update requires you to replace your RemVision product, a simple update won't do (in fact, it will break it if you try).
The symptom of this bug is that you try to load a tape (either one of the six free tapes contained in the box, or any other movie you bought) and despite it appears to copy just fine, your RemVision screen or your sub's screen remains black whatever you do.
This happens when the sim where you load the tape is laggy or slow, for example a homestead. I'm sorry, when I designed this product, I tested it in my sim which is a full region, and I didn't realize the difference in speed. It has taken me a while to track, identify and fix that bug. The technical reason was the encryption which is time-based, and the fact that the track scripts took too long to decrypt messages coming from the tape when loading, and a queue ensued, meaning the timestamps were invalid by the time the new messages were treated. Hence the black screen. After this fix, the track scripts decrypt much faster, fast enough to overcome this problem.
To update your restraint and benefit from this fix, you need to go to one of these locations :
My Little Shop
Chorazin's store
Roper's Dark Playground
Dark Wishes
Once there, click on the updater and follow the instructions. You need to choose "REPLACE". Don't forget to save your times before requesting a replacement. If you do not get a "REPLACE" option, contact me (Marine Kelley) to get a manual replacement.
Have fun !
PS : Thank you Camryn Baxter and Aria Warden for letting me use your homes as testing grounds for this one.
Friday, February 8, 2019
Env Box Controller (update to the Env Probe)
Hi !
Shortly after releasing the Env Box and the Env Probe, I decided to work on improving the latter... a lot.
The point of the Env Probe is to make your own SL environments, which means it is best used for static env boxes, i.e. boxes that you rez somewhere and don't expect to move. What you do expect from them though is to make the shiny surfaces inside it reflect its own projections, like this :
But although that works fine with one room, problems start to arise when you put two env boxes close to each other, like in the next room for instance. The problem is that some of the projections of one env box overlap with the projections of the next, like this :
In case this picture isn't clear, you see the reflection of the kitchen (on the left) overlapping that of the study room, because the shiny ball is located close the kitchen and therefore within its projection radius.
In this post, I will liberally use the term "Env Box" to designate static env boxes that you rez in a room and that stay where you've rezzed them, instead of the Env Box product that features 20 different environments that you wear. So please don't be confused, when I use the term "Env Box" here, I refer to one that is rezzed inside a room and projects six pictures of it to allow it to reflect on whatever shiny surface is located inside it. When I do refer to portable env boxes, I explicitly say so. Whenever there may be a confusion, I use the term "static env box" to refer to a box you've rezzed in a room and "worn env box" to refer to a box you're wearing.
So to work around this issue, I have created what I call an Env Box Controller, which is an additional object and the subject of this big update. Its role is mainly to activate only the Env Boxes in which an avatar is located, and deactivate all the others. It does other things too, but this is what it is meant for in the first place. It is mainly a "rez and forget" kind of tool, but you can control its parameters easily when you want.
This is a big update because the Env Box Controller could very well be its own product, but instead I chose to make it part of the Env Probe, because its point is to manage Boxes created by using the Probe.
Feeling lost ? Let me recap, hopefully making things clearer.
You have the Env Box product that lets you wear an Env Box that shines around your body, making your latex or armor attachments shine in a better, more realistic way (knowing that we don't have actual real time reflections in SL yet, and probably won't ever get them). But those Env Boxes are real life environments, they are not taken in SL locations so they don't actually project what's around you. They project pretty panoramas to add fine details to your shiny clothes. This update here does not concern that product except for one thing : worn Env Boxes are deactivated when you step inside a static Env Box, but you have to update them to get this new feature if you haven't already.
Then you have the Env Probe that allows you to make your own environments inside SL and make sure what you see in the shine is what you see in the area you're in. And to sell your own environments if you wish. It is still a lot of manual actions because you cannot automate the taking of a snapshot or the upload of the resulting picture to SL, nor the linking of the pictures into a projector, it has to be done by hand. What the Env Probe does is position your camera correctly and let you take snapshots in the easiest manner possible, considering all the technical limitations. It is still a lot easier than to do it all by hand from A to Z.
But then, when you have your static Env Box with the pictures of the room it is in, you'll probably want to do the next room as well. And then the next room, and so on. And since the rooms are adjacent, you will get overlapping like I showed above unless you use the Env Box Controller.
In this blog post, I will explain how to use the Env Box Controller and the Env Box Static object which are now both contained in the Env Probe product. Brace for a long post, as there is much to say about this new controller. But if you are a photographer, or if you need to take good pictures for your products, or if you want to equip your own house with env boxes, or if you want to make and sell your own environments, you'll want to read it all.
First of all, let me reiterate how to install a static Env Box (not how to take the pictures, flip them, upload them and put them in the projector, this is already explained here). Let's assume you use the "Env Box Static (rez me)" object, which is a blank but scripted env box, you can rename it what you want but please do not change the description field yet (it should show "^env 0 1 0.75 w" for now). We'll discuss later about what the description field is used for.
Just rez the object named "Env Box Static (rez me)" somewhere near you. It looks like a glowing white semi-transparent cube, it is in fact 7 prims (one root and six child prims) and takes 4 LI. It will remain visible until it is set to its final location or you click on it.
You can either resize it yourself with the white handles of the SL tools or use the Env Probe to resize it to the exact dimensions you want. I recommend using the Env Probe as it gives you more control over the shape of your box.
If you step inside this box all your shiny attachments will show a bright white reflection, to really insist on the fact that it is blank. You can then set all the six white projected pictures with the six pictures you've taken while using the Env Probe (see the blog post explaining how to do it).
Once you have set all the pictures, you can position the "Env Box Static" object to its final location.
To do this, rez your Env Probe somewhere near you then position, rotation and resize it to fit the room. Since it is a single prim, unlike the "Env Box Static" object, you can resize it in any direction. Once done, wear your Env Probe HUD if you haven't already, then click on its "Position" button to make your static Env Box take the position, rotation and dimensions of your probe. You can then derez the probe or move it elsewhere. The Env Box Static object becomes invisible after it was moved and resized, and if a controller is already rezzed and uses the same prefix (see below), it is told to scan for all boxes to update its own knowledge of the topology. If you later need to click on the Env Box, press Ctrl-Alt-T to see it in red (as well as all the invisible stuff around you).
If the controller is not rezzed yet, do it now. Rez the Env Box Controller somewhere in the parcel, it has to be in the same parcel as the Env Boxes you want it to control. It looks like a shiny sphere with "ENV BOX CONTROLLER" embossed on its surface :
That's all. You may go back to making more Env Boxes now.
First usage
If you have made several Env Boxes, let's say one per room in your house, you will quickly notice that only the ones in which an avatar is located will be active, the others will be inactive (i.e. they won't project anything). This means that if you are alone in your house, the reflections will be the ones of the room you're in. If someone else is in another room next door, since the Env Box located in their own room will be active too, there is a chance you will see its projections overlap yours, just like on the picture above. That cannot be helped.
And when you move from room to room, you will notice that as soon as you leave a room its own Env Box deactivates itself, and the one you're entering will activate itself at the same time, keeping the reflections around you accurate and avoiding overlapping.
It does not sound like much but it makes a whole lot of difference, and I will demonstrate it now.
This is my house :
You probably recognize it from my movies, most were shot here, and this house is where the name "Maison De La Marquise" comes from.
Let me show you a few rooms with accurate reflections. Not all the rooms, but those that feature enough landmarks to see them reflected on the surface of my dress.
That rubber room will be of special interest to us, as you will see later on.
The fact that only the Env Box of the room I'm in is active, is all due to the Env Box Controller rezzed somewhere in the house.
In the rest of this post, I will sometimes mention the controller's "service volume". This means the total volume occupied by all the static Env Boxes it controls. Usually that means the volume taken by your house, if all your rooms are set with Env Boxes. If an avatar is inside one of its boxes, then it is inside the service volume, otherwise it is outside of it.
Worn Env Boxes
If you are wearing an Env Box with a real life setting, for example Panorama, Corsica, Tokyo or any one you want, you don't want it to be active while you're inside an Env Box controlled by an Env Box Controller. Otherwise, both projections would overlap.
If you haven't done so, please update your Env Box product and your worn Env Boxes will automatically deactivate themselves when a controller takes over, and reactivate when you leave its service volume, TP out, relog or rez them, or when you switch their Active state off and on again.
If you don't update them, you need to detach your Env Box every time you enter the controller's service volume and reattach it when you leave.
This is the second most important purpose of the Env Box Controller. Some boxes might be inside other boxes, and since you don't want overlapping projections the controller has to be smart and to know which box to activate.
Suppose you're inside a cage and... oh look, what a coincidence, there's a cage in the rubber room :
While inside the cage, you might want the prisoner to reflect the bars around her, and not the cage as seen from the middle of the room (which is what the projections look like when outside the cage).
In other words, you want to see this :
Instead of this :
And certainly not both at the same time :
This is the same sphere at the same location inside the cage, but in the first picture I am with it so it reflects the projections sent by the env box contained inside the cage, in the second picture it reflects those sent by the env box contained inside the room (hence outside the cage), which is bigger. And in the third picture it reflects both which is even worse.
To do this, you need to have an env box inside the cage, obviously, one that projects pictures that were taken from inside the cage, and that's it. The controller handles the rest automatically. In its standpoint, the smaller env box (the one in the cage) carves a hole into the bigger env box (the one occupying the whole rubber room). Therefore, when you are inside the cage, the controller knows that although you are technically inside the rubber room, it must act as if you were only in the cage and not in both.
This works for boxes inside boxes inside boxes, by the way. And boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes... and so on. You get the point.
There is an exception to this rule. If the volume of the smaller box is 90% of the bigger one or more, then the controller won't consider the former to carve the latter, and will instead decide that those two boxes should be mutually exclusive. This is decided by conditions put inside the box parameters, and I will develop this later on because that's an advanced trick.
One word of advice. When you place two static Env Boxes next to each other, for example in two adjacent rooms, please don't make the boxes overlap. If you do and one of them is sufficiently smaller than the other (the 90% I mentioned above), the controller will believe it carves the other one, and it will slow down the periodical checking process (see below) for no real gain.
Although you can let the controller do its job automatically and never bother tweaking it, you still have a lot of control over its behavior thanks to its menu and the description field of each Env Box under its responsibility.
Simply click on your Env Box Controller to get its menu. Only the owner of the controller can do this.
The menu is fairly simple. The main page looks like this, and from there you can open any of the secondary pages (brightness, time of day...) and return to the main page.
Clicking on "Active" switches the controller on and off. When off, all the env boxes under its responsibility are turned off as well, even those that are set to be "always active" (see below).
Each page shows some information about the Env Boxes and the controller itself.
- Region time : It is the local time between 0:00 (aka 12 AM) and 23:59 (aka 11:59 PM). The time is NOT a real time but the time calculated from the sun angle. FYI each SL day lasts 4 hours, 3 of which are day time and 1 is night time. In this picture, "5:23" means early morning so the light of the env boxes will be tinted pink.
- Set time : You can set a time manually in the "Time of day" menu, either by clicking on the corresponding button (see below) or by typing it manually. If set, this supersedes the "region time".
- Brightness : From 0.0 to 1.0, it is simply the global brightness which you set the controller to, knowing that each env box has its own factor to apply to it and calculate its own final brightness (see below).
- Optimal gloss. : From 0 to 255, this number represents the glossiness that will look best with the projections of all the boxes (this is a global setting, not a per-box setting). To make it simple, if a surface has a glossiness set to a different number than the optimal glossiness here, the reflections will have gaps or overlaps because the edges of the projected pictures will be blurry. This works exactly the same way than the worn Env Boxes and will be demonstrated later on.
- Prefix : By default "env", you can change it by modifying the description field of the controller. The controller and env boxes containing the EnvBoxClient script (like the "Env Box Static" object) all talk on the same channel, each command being prefixed by this prefix (here "env"), and any object that uses another prefix will simply ignore those commands. This way you can decide what controller controls what boxes by setting them to the same prefix and exclude others by setting their own prefix to something else.
- Boxes : Indicates the number of boxes detected by the controller that use the same prefix.
- Vars : Shows the number of user variables known by the controller. There is always at least the hour of the day and that's why there is a "1" displayed here. If you add more variables manually (see below), this number increases.
- Avg. check time : Indicates how much time is taken during each check, in average. A check occurs every 30 seconds and every time someone collides with one of the Env Boxes, and is meant to scan all the boxes and decide which ones must be active and which ones must be inactive. This is a rather long process (which grows like the number of avatars multiplied by the number of boxes) and this number shows how much time it has been taking since the last reset of the controller's script. Right now, with two avatars in the house and 17 boxes in a relatively healthy sim, it takes about one second per check. If this is too long for you, you can divide and conquer by rezzing more copies of your controller, each one being given a different prefix, and attribute some of the boxes to one, some to another etc. As long as a box from one controller does not carve into a box from another controller, it will work just fine and the controllers will all work in parallel.
- Last check time : This is the time taken by the latest check, just for reference.
Time of day menu
If the region you're in uses the normal SL day cycle, then the controller is able to capture the right lighting and apply it to the reflections to make them look even more accurate. This is needed because you took your pictures at a certain time of the day, which means the room was lit a certain way when you took them, which might be different at different times of the day. When the sun is rising, you may want your room to be lit with a very slight pink hue, and when the sun is setting you might want a slight orangeish tint as well. That's what the controller does and this menu lets you decide whether to let it decide of the lighting (by selecting "DYNAMIC") or set the time of day yourself (either by choosing one of the buttons or by clicking "CUSTOM" and entering an hour).
Now... this is all good and well but not all Env Boxes must react to the time of day light equally. Some boxes may be outdoors, others may be in rooms with lights and windows, others may be in rooms with lights and no windows. There is a way to set each box individually so that it is more or less impacted by the light of day depending on the setting you think is best. In practice it is just a factor between 0 and 1 that tells the box "apply all the light of day" and "completely ignore the light of day" respectively. More about that below.
Brightness menu
Not much to say here, except that the brightness (which is 1.0, or 100% by default) is compounded with the brightness factor of each box to find out how bright each box must be.
The brighter, the more visible the reflection on a surface, but increasing the "environment" value of the surface yields the same result. It's entirely your choice what brightness suits you and your guests best.
Personally I like 50% because in the real world the light does not bounce completely off the walls, a part of it is absorbed so setting to 100% is too much, it is like saying the walls emit light, which they don't. As for the lights themselves, they have their own specular shine that makes like a halo around their picture.
Optimal glossiness menu
Not all surfaces shine the same way. Some are glossier than others. Glossy surfaces have sharp reflections, less glossy ones have blurry reflections.
Problem is, a blurry reflection means blurry edges, which means gaps between the different projections of an env box. Changing the optimal glossiness to match that of the surface you want to look at corrects the projections so there is no gap nor overlap.
For example, here are three reflective spheres. The left one has a glossiness of 50 (which is quite rough), the middle one has a glossiness of 150 (so like latex or plastic) and the right one has a glossiness of 255 (the max, it is like a polished mirror) :
Here is how they look when the optimal glossiness is set to 255 :
As you can see, there are black gaps on the two spheres on the left, while the right one has crisp reflections.
Now if you set the optimal glossiness to 150, which matches the glossiness of the middle sphere, you get this :
No more gap on the middle sphere, slightly visible gaps on the left sphere, and overlaps (i.e. projections that overlap each other) on the right sphere.
And if you set the optimal glossiness to 50 to match that of the left sphere, you get this :
The left sphere looks good and rough, its reflections are very blurry as expected, the middle sphere has some overlaps but they're not very visible in this room, the right sphere still has crisp reflections (as expected) but obvious overlaps.
For the fun of it, let's give the left sphere 0 glossiness and set the optimal glossiness to 0 :
The left sphere shows how rough you can make a surface (i.e. how blurry its reflection can be). Since the environment value of this sphere is still 255, it looks like a very rough mirror. But you can make it look like shiny plastic if you prefer by lowering its environment value down to 10 or 20 and giving the sphere a tint :
If you wanted actual plastic or rubber, you would set its environment value to 0, but then you wouldn't need any env box at all since the surface wouldn't reflect the projections in the first place. Env Boxes are only useful for shiny surfaces that are supposed to reflect details, not just the specular projections of the local lights. In other words, env boxes are for polished or wet surfaces with an environment value (latex, polished plastic, patent leather, varnished wood, metal, oil...), all the other surfaces (plastic, wood, rubber, leather...) don't need them and won't look different with or without them.
As you can see, there is no ideal number for the optimal glossiness, it all depends on the glossiness of the surface you are most interested in, for example the one you are taking a picture of.
For reference, the surface of the controller changes its glossiness to match the optimal glossiness you chose, so you see what it looks like when inside an env box (you can put the controller anywhere in the parcel, it doesn't matter whether it is inside an env box or not, but in case it is inside one, you then see the reflection change on its surface due to the change in glossiness.
Options menu
- "Highlight" will make your env boxes visible (transparent and glowing, the active ones will be white and the others black) in order to make them more easily found.
- "Scan boxes" will force a scan of all the boxes around, in case you just deleted one (rezzing and positioning one will trigger a scan automatically).
- "Get positions" is a useful button to get the physical location of all the boxes controlled by this controller, each location being the position, the rotation and the dimensions of the box. Each message looks like this :
[2019/02/06 06:41] Env Box ~ Office (root): dim <218.56360, 48.02089, 33.68668>^<7.71000, 5.73320, 5.04680>^0.000000
The "dim" part is the command, the first vector is the position of the center of the env box in the sim, the second one is the dimensions in meters, and the third one is the angle around Z in degrees. Simple. If you copy this text to a text file, you can later paste it into the chat in order to set the location of any box (or even a probe) right where this box is.
I will explain below how to position an env box with a "dim" command.
- "Set var" allows you to add or set a user variable into the controller, which will be dispatched to all the boxes so they know whether to hide or show. You enter a variable and a value under the form [variable] = [value] and it will be added into the controller. For example, if you type "x=1" (or "x = 1", spaces are not a concern), then a new variable named "x" will be added to the controller's memory and its value will be "1". If later you enter "x=some_value" then the variable "x" will take the value "some_value" (which is not a number but a string literal, but works just as well). Please don't put spaces in the name of the variable or in the value, as this would not work when writing conditions to test them (see below). Attention, "H" or "h" is reserved for the hour of day. You can change it but it will change back less than 30 seconds later.
- "List vars" : Shows the list of the currently known variables on the chat. There is always at least "h" which is the time of day.
- "Clear vars" : Clears all the variables except "h", the hour of day.
- "Reset" : It just resets the controller. I don't see a real need for it but hey, it's there.
Individual parameters
Now we're getting into the nitty-gritty stuff.
You can actually modify a few parameters in each box individually. Those parameters are contained in the description field of the root prim of any box and look like this :
That's the "^env 0 1 1 w" part. So what does that mean ?
First, the "^" sign is necessary to tell the EnvBoxClient script inside that the description field contains parameters, otherwise it won't read whatever is written there, as a safety.
Second, the script reads what's in the description field (as long as it begins with "^"), but never writes into it, so you are free to enter the parameters you want.
Third, those parameters concern only that env box, if you want to use the same parameters in another one you need to copy the description field of this one to the other one manually. Env Boxes do not talk to each other, only to the controller.
Fourth, each parameter is separated from the others by a space (make sure there's only one space between parameters and not two or more).
Fifth, some additional parameters can be added after the last one ("w" in this example). They are conditions for the activation of the box and they will be developed later on.
Let's review each parameter one by one, from the left to the right.
- Prefix ("env" here) : This value makes the box communicate with any controller (or controllers) which prefix is set to the same word, which cannot have spaces in it. As a reminder, the prefix of the controller is written in its own description field.
- Always active ("0" here) : This value can be either 0 or 1. If set to 1, the box will always be active unless the controller itself is deactivated. This is useful for example if your room is supposed to feature shiny objects (such as animesh avatars, i.e. NPCs) and must reflect on the shiny surfaces even if nobody is in it. If you want the box to always be active regardless of the activity of the controller, well, you can set it to another prefix or remove its EnvBoxClient script altogether.
- Brightness factor ("1" here) : This value can go from -1 to 1 and can be decimal. Remember the Brightness setting of the controller ? If the value is between 0 and 1, it multiplies it to find the final brightness of the projections, so for example 50% and a factor of 0.3 will make a final brightness of 0.15. If the value is between -1 and 0, it sets the brightness to the negative of that value without taking into account the brightness of the controller. In other words, make it negative for absolute, positive for relative.
- Color factor ("1" here) : This value can go from 0 to 1 and can be decimal. This is the factor that is applied to the "time of day" color sent by the controller. It is actually a very important value to consider, because this is the one that determines whether the room is completely outdoors with no artificial lights, or completely indoors with no windows, or anything in the middle. Good values are 0 (completely outdoors without lights, meaning the time of day color will be completely applied to the projections), 1 (completely indoors with no windows, meaning the time of day will not be taken into account by the box at all), 0.5 (indoors with big windows) and 0.75 (indoors with small windows).
- Color ("w" here) : This value is either a RGB vector or "w" which means "white". If your room has a particular color and its projections are tintable, you can change this value but "w" is good for pretty much all boxes. If you do set a custom color, write it like this :
Where R, G and B are the Red, Green and Blue values respectively, each one from 0 to 1. Do not write spaces (as they are separators for the parameters) before or after the numbers. One example of a custom color would be <1,0,0> for a bright red.
If you want to know everything, when the box receives a command from the controller it checks the time of day color and combines it with its own color, attributing the "color factor" value to its own color and 1 minus "color factor" to the time of day color, to determine the final color of the projections. This is why "0" means "outdoors" and "1" means "indoors", it's easier to remember that way.
For example, with a factor of 0 the time of day factor will be 1 and the final color of the projections will be that of the time of day. With a factor of 0.5 (room with lights and big windows), both colors will be combined equally, so if the base color is white (the "w" symbol), then the final color will be a lighter version of the time of day since it is combined 50/50 with white.
This works well for subtly changing the color of the shine indoors depending on the light outside without overdoing it.
Validating the parameters
Whenever you change the parameters of a box, click on it to validate them (otherwise nothing tells it to re-read its parameters, it doesn't do it periodically since most of the time they don't change at all, it would be a waste of resources).
When you click on the box, it also forces a scan of all the boxes in the parcel (in case you just moved or resized it and want to update the controller's knowledge of what boxes carve what other boxes), and allows you to send a "dim" message to it (see below).
The "dim" message
Clicking on a box also opens a listener on channel 456 so you can enter a "dim" message on that channel to reposition the box.
To do this, simply copy one of the "dim" messages you've saved in a text file or anywhere you want, into your clipboard. For example this one :
dim <218.56360, 48.02089, 33.68668>^<7.71000, 5.73320, 5.04680>^0.000000
Remember this line ? This is the "dim" message we got from the "Office" Env Box when we clicked on the "Get positions" button in the Options menu. Let's say you want to position another Env Box at this exact location, maybe after making a mistake and deleting a box you shouldn't have.
Click on the box you want to reposition to open its listener, then say the following line :
/456 env dim <218.56360, 48.02089, 33.68668>^<7.71000, 5.73320, 5.04680>^0.000000
That's "/456 env " followed by the dim message you copied. The "env" part is necessary because like any message received by a box, it must begin with its own prefix, otherwise it will be ignored. Of course, if your box uses another prefix, replace "env" with its prefix.
After 10 seconds or if you click again before that delay, the listener is turned off again.
Attention, clicking on two boxes and sending a "dim" message will reposition both to the same location !
You can use the "dim" message another way too, by sending it to a probe instead of a box. The principle is a little more subtle but works the same way.
Rez your Env Probe if you haven't done so and wear your Env Probe HUD.
Then say the dim message on channel 789 instead of 456, and you do not have to prefix with "env" or anything (but if you do and the HUD uses that prefix, it will work anyway). No need to click on anything. So you say :
/789 dim <218.56360, 48.02089, 33.68668>^<7.71000, 5.73320, 5.04680>^0.000000
... and the probe will take the location and dimensions of those parameters. This is useful if you want to put your probe back where it was after mistakenly derezzing it.
Of course these dim messages are examples, your numbers will be different.
If the parameters section were the nitty-gritty stuff, now we're getting into the thick and hairy.
Are you ready ?
You can add more parameters after the color, and those are additional conditions for the activation of the box.
Instead of writing a long-winded abstract explanation, I will show you an example of when those could be useful.
The gazebo does not have an Env Box, but suppose I want to make one for it :
So let's make one real quick.
First I rez a probe and I wear the HUD.
I resize the probe so it is roughly the same size as the gazebo, like this (it doesn't have to be exact) :
I get out of here to avoid being on the pictures and I start shooting, following the procedure I explained in the Env Probe blog post. After the pictures are taken and flipped, I upload them and set all six to a newly rezzed Env Box Static object that I rename "Env Box ~ Gazebo". I also set the "color factor" to "0" to make it behave like it is outdoors (that's an important part, as you'll see below).
Then I click on that object then on the "Position" button of my Env Probe HUD and the new Env Box goes right where the probe is, ready for use. The controller immediately detects it and starts controlling it. All is well.
I totally did not follow my own advice and let Casper (the cat) get in the way. Cats always get in the way.
In the end I get this reflection :
So, all is well, yes, but what happens when it's night time ? This happens :
The color of the projections becomes a very dark blue, darkening the shine. Since the color factor of the box is 0, the whole time of day color is applied.
This may or may not be what you want, but let's assume this is not what I want because the reflected sky is too bright and the rest is too dark. Let's assume during the night I want a clearer decor with a black sky, like it actually looks in-world at that time.
For this, obviously, I need to make a second env box and position it at the same spot, and I need only one of them to be visible at any time, at most.
To do this, after creating the second env box and placing it where the first one is (it is a good idea to stretch the env probe a little to make the second env box a tad bigger so it is easier to select when you want to tweak it), I need to change its parameters, because right now both boxes will show when I step inside as they are both almost exactly the same volume, so the controller will decide there is no carving, hence no exclusion.
In those parameters, I need to tell one box to be active only from 6 am to 9 pm, and the other one to be active only from 9 pm to 6 am. And I need the latter to not react to day light at all because otherwise it will be tinted dark blue by the controller and I will barely see any shine at all.
Let's go.
In the day Gazebo Env Box, the one I made first, I change the parameters in the description field to :
^env 0 1 0 w H>=6&H<=21
Notice the conditions that weren't there before : "H>=6&H<=21". This means "hour is 6 am or more AND hour is 9 pm or less". The "&" part means "AND" and there is no space before or after that sign.
With these parameters, whenever the time of day broadcast by the controller is outside 6 am and 9 pm included (in other words, when it is night time), the box will remain inactive even if someone is inside it.
Now I modify the other box, the night Gazebo one, and I write this in its description field :
^env 0 1 1 w H<6 h>21
Notice there is no "&" sign this time, but a space instead. This is because you can add several conditions (here there are two : "hour less than 6 am" and "hour greater than 9 pm") and if any one of them is true, then the whole condition is considered true. In other words, if "&" means "AND", a space (" ") means "OR".
Also notice the "1" number before "w", which means "do not take the controller's time of day color into account at all, act like we are indoors" to avoid having the projections tinted by the controller during night time (which, as I pointed out above, would be very dark and we would barely see a thing in the reflections).
Finally, I commit the changes to the description fields by clicking on both boxes so they re-read their parameters.
After all this work, here is the result :
So, to recap :
You can add conditions after the color part of the parameters, those conditions are of the form [variable] [operator] [value]
The "variable" part is sent by the controller and by default there is only "H", which means "hour of the day" and its value goes from 0 to 23 included (0 being midnight and 23 being 11 pm). There may be other variables later because the controller is made to aggregate all the variables sent by other devices to help choose the right env box to activate. The Options menu also lets you set variables manually.
The "operator" part is simple, it can be any of those six :
"=" means equality
"!=" means inequality
"<" means "less than"
">" means "greater than"
"<=" means "less than or equal to"
">=" means "greater than or equal to"
And the "value" part is a number or a string literal. For example, "6" or "garage_door_open" or "rainy" or whatever you can think of.
If ANY of the conditions is TRUE, then the test is valid and the env box will be active if someone is in it. If ALL of them are FALSE, the env box will remain inactive no matter what. You can link two conditions or more so they have to be valid all at the same time, by replacing the spaces between them with "&" signs.
For example, you might have a room that may change its appearance significantly enough for you to want to show a different reflection when it does. Maybe you're in a garage and you want a version of the reflection with the main door closed and another one with the main door open. In fact, I will demonstrate this very example so thing are perfectly clear for you.
First of all, here is the garage, and let's assume I will open only the door on the left (given the size and shape of the garage, it would be best to make two adjacent env boxes, but for the sake of the example let's say the door on the right is jammed and cannot be opened).
Here is how it looks with its left door closed :
And here it is with the left door open :
You already know the procedure so I'll make it quick.
Set time to "Midday". Wear Env Probe HUD. Rez Env Probe. Resize Env Probe to the size you want. Move the car out of the way (because it is right in the middle). In fact, move the carts out of the garage too as those are vehicles and they can move. You don't really want them in the reflection since they may or may not be there in the future. And check that the cat is not in the garage. And get out of there as well.
Notice I did not make the probe go all the way up to the ceiling, this is because I want the yellow cross to be about hip-level, since this is where the camera will be when I'll take the snapshots. The reflections will look more natural that way.
Now let's take the snapshots.
Create "Garage" folder. Drag and drop a copy of "flip.bat" in it. Click "Next" on the Env Probe HUD. Set snapshot dimensions to 512x512, take the snapshot, save it as "Garage_F" in the "Garage" folder on the hard drive. Do this five more times for "Garage_R", "Garage_B", "Garage_L", "Garage_U" and "Garage_D" respectively. Yes, "Front" is where the workbench is and "Back" is where the door is. It should be the other way around, but it totally doesn't matter. I just didn't bother to rotate the Env Probe, that's all.
Run "flip.bat" once. Upload all six pictures.
Rez "Env Box Static". Edit it, change its name to something relevant (for example "Env Box ~ Garage (closed)" and add a relevant condition after the parameters in the description field, like "garage_door=closed", like this :
Then modify all its six child prims by dragging and dropping the corresponding texture into their respective projector texture slots, one by one.
Once done, click on the "Position" button on the Env Probe HUD, and the first env box is complete.
Now open the door and do all this again. Notice that only the "GarageOpen_B" picture is different from its counterpart, all the others are the same because the shadows do not change inside the garage. So that allows us to upload only this one (after flipping it) and use the other five pictures we've already taken without having to upload them again. Yay, we've saved L$50 in the process.
Before positioning the second env box, stretch the probe a little so it is not exactly the same size as the first one. That way, the env boxes will be easier to select or click on individually.
Edit the second env box and give it a different name (like "Env Box ~ Garage (open)") and more importantly, a different parameter, like "garage_door=open" :
And click on the "Position" button on the Env Probe HUD, and the second env box is complete.
Now what happens after the controller updates all its boxes ? First thing you notice, is that neither of those two boxes is active :
The reason for this is simple : the "garage_door" variable does not exist, and if a variable does not exist, its value is considered to be equal to the name of the variable. Since the word "garage_door" is not equal to the word "open" nor "closed", both boxes stay inactive.
If you're a programmer you must be jumping through the roof right about now... as most interpreted programming languages set a default value to "0" or to an empty string, or raise an error, but none that I know actually pretends that the value of an unknown variable is the very name of that variable.
I made it this way for another simple reason : "garage_door=closed" is interpreted as "Is the value of the variable named 'garage_door' equal to the value of the variable named 'closed' ?". Because "closed" could be the name of another variable after all so this allows dereferencing a variable. Of course, I could have required putting a string literal between quotes and it would have been a lot more consistent with existing languages, but let's not forget that we have only 64 characters in the description field, so every character is precious.
Now, how do we make one of the boxes show and not the other ? Let's test by setting the "garage_door" variable to "closed" in the controller. Click on the controller, go to "Options...", then click on "Set var" and write "garage_door = open" :
And click "Submit".
Tadaa ! There is only one reflection and that's the one with the door open.
Now do the same but enter "garage_door = closed" as the variable :
And here is the result :
This time, the "garage door closed" env box is active, the other one is inactive.
When one box is active, the other is inactive. They are said to be mutually exclusive.
Now, something more fun and that will show you that you seldom have to create several env boxes for the same room.
The three parameters "always active", "brightness factor" and "color factor" are actually expressions, not fixed values. This means that they are evaluated not when they are read in the description field, but when the box status is set by the controller.
In other words, you can write variables instead of numbers in those three fields, and that can prove very useful at times.
For example, let's assume I want the Study Room to be lit the way it is now when the lights are on, but to depend on the light of day when they're off. How do we do that without having to make two env boxes for this room ?
Right now the reflection in the study room during the day looks like this :
At night with the lights on it looks like this :
At night with the lights off the room looks a lot different from the reflection on the sphere :
The overall ambiance is darker but the reflection is just as bright as before, which is to be expected since the projections are barely darkened by the controller because the color factor is 0.75 :
This means that at any time, the final color of the projections is 25% the one decided by the controller and 75% white. So it's mostly always bright.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could condition that factor with the state of the lights in that room ? If we turned the lights off, wouldn't it make sense to darken the room at night ?
Well, it is very easy to do. Replace the "0.75" part with "study_lights*0.75", like this :
Then click on the study room's env box to take these new parameters into account.
And now the projection is much darker :
The calculated color factor is now 0 because "study_lights" does not exist as a variable yet, so the box interprets the expression "study_lights*0.75" as "study_lights converted to a number" (which is 0) multiplied by a 0.75, which gives 0.
Now if you set the variable "study_lights" to "1" in the controller :
Voilà, the projections are bright again even though it is dark outside. I turned the actual lights of the room on to look better, but for now the controller and the box don't react to them. Yet.
If you set the "study_lights" variable to 0, the projections color will be back to whatever the controller says according to the time of day.
You must be thinking "I don't want to have to enter variables names and values manually in the controller", and you're right, it would be tedious. How about writing a script that does it for you ?
Let's write a script that switches an internal variable between 0 and 1 every time the object it is in is touched by someone. It is, frankly, a trivial script to write, any programmer can do that. If you're not a programmer, don't panic, I will write the source code for you below.
Of course, changing an internal variable when touched is good, but that variable must be exported to the controller when it changes, right ? That's what the script will do.
Let's go.
First thing first, make sure the light is OFF because the script will initially begin with a "0" value in its "light" variable, and we want to make sure it stays in sync with the state of the actual light (since there is no communication between this sample script and the actual script managing the lights).
Here is what the study room light switch looks like when edited :
The "A.E." scripts are not my work but the "Light" script is (I wrote it long ago to control the lights the way I want). We're not going to modify that script now, instead we will create a new one by clicking on the "New Script" button :
Then double-click on that new script to open its source code :
Now copy the following code and paste it over the existing code of the script you've created :
integer nLight = 0; // 0 is off, 1 is on
default {
state_entry () {
touch_start(integer num_detected) {
nLight = 1 - nLight; // 0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0
llRegionSay (-0514220319, "env^set^study_lights^" + (string)nLight); // tell the controller about the change
This script is very crude but it gets the job done. Now whenever someone clicks on the light switch, the study room env box switches between "make the projection bright" and "make the projection take the controller's color".
You can verify at any time the value of "study_lights" in the controller by clicking on "List vars" in the Options menu.
The operation is done by sending the line "env^set^study_lights^" followed by the value of the lights (0 for off, 1 for on), on the channel -0514220319, which is a special channel the controller listens to.
If the controller's prefix is not "env" but something else, replace "env" in the script with that something else.
The string is constructed like this :
And it must be sent on channel -0514220319.
The "^" character is the separator. It is a personal preference of mine as it makes it easier to read when debugging, and it is a character we seldom use ^_^.
In our script the prefix is "env", the command is "set" and there are only two parameters : "study_lights" and the value of the nLight variable.
Of course this script is just an example, but now you know that you can set variables into the controller remotely and automatically, and you know how to do that. There is a copy of it in the product box in case you want to take a look and make your own.
There are some limitations to this product that come from SL and that cannot be circumvented.
Firstly, the projections are deformed if your Env Box is too flat in one dimension, they look best when the Env Box is a cube. Naturally, not all rooms are cubes so you do what you can, and the resulting reflections will not look too bad anyway, but do expect a stretch when you make your Env Box too flat.
Secondly, as pointed above, since an Env Box activates itself (unless specified otherwise) when an avatar is inside it, two adjacent Env Boxes may be active at the same time if there is an avatar in each one of them, resulting in overlapping projections on one side.
Thirdly, the maximum distance for a projection is 20 m, so you cannot make your Env Boxes much bigger than that, so forget about making an Env Box that surrounds your whole sim, it won't work. What does work is take pictures of your sim and make a worn Env Box with them, and asks your guests to wear a copy of it when they're in your sim. It's not ideal, but it does the job.
Updating your Boxes and Controller
At some point in the future there might be an update for the Env Probe, the static Env Boxes and the Env Box Controller. If you update your Env Probe you will get a whole new package... but what about all the boxes you've already rezzed and tweaked carefully ?
Don't worry, you won't need to redo all this work again, the Env Probe product comes with an "Env Box Client Updater" object which looks like a shiny black ball with drops of water all over its surface :
This sphere contains two scripts : the updater script and the new EnvBoxClient script, the same one (but the updated version) as the one in each one of your static env boxes.
Simply click on it and wait, and it will update all your static Env Boxes one by one.
Once again, if you use another prefix than "env", please change the description field of the updater to match, because it only updates the boxes which use the same prefix.
The controller itself will likely have to be replaced, but it is just a matter of derezzing the old and rezzing the new in its stead. And perhaps changing its prefix if you need, but nothing more complicated than that.
Whew ! That was a long post. I hope you will have fun creating your own environments !
Shortly after releasing the Env Box and the Env Probe, I decided to work on improving the latter... a lot.
The point of the Env Probe is to make your own SL environments, which means it is best used for static env boxes, i.e. boxes that you rez somewhere and don't expect to move. What you do expect from them though is to make the shiny surfaces inside it reflect its own projections, like this :
But although that works fine with one room, problems start to arise when you put two env boxes close to each other, like in the next room for instance. The problem is that some of the projections of one env box overlap with the projections of the next, like this :
In case this picture isn't clear, you see the reflection of the kitchen (on the left) overlapping that of the study room, because the shiny ball is located close the kitchen and therefore within its projection radius.
In this post, I will liberally use the term "Env Box" to designate static env boxes that you rez in a room and that stay where you've rezzed them, instead of the Env Box product that features 20 different environments that you wear. So please don't be confused, when I use the term "Env Box" here, I refer to one that is rezzed inside a room and projects six pictures of it to allow it to reflect on whatever shiny surface is located inside it. When I do refer to portable env boxes, I explicitly say so. Whenever there may be a confusion, I use the term "static env box" to refer to a box you've rezzed in a room and "worn env box" to refer to a box you're wearing.
So to work around this issue, I have created what I call an Env Box Controller, which is an additional object and the subject of this big update. Its role is mainly to activate only the Env Boxes in which an avatar is located, and deactivate all the others. It does other things too, but this is what it is meant for in the first place. It is mainly a "rez and forget" kind of tool, but you can control its parameters easily when you want.
This is a big update because the Env Box Controller could very well be its own product, but instead I chose to make it part of the Env Probe, because its point is to manage Boxes created by using the Probe.
Feeling lost ? Let me recap, hopefully making things clearer.
You have the Env Box product that lets you wear an Env Box that shines around your body, making your latex or armor attachments shine in a better, more realistic way (knowing that we don't have actual real time reflections in SL yet, and probably won't ever get them). But those Env Boxes are real life environments, they are not taken in SL locations so they don't actually project what's around you. They project pretty panoramas to add fine details to your shiny clothes. This update here does not concern that product except for one thing : worn Env Boxes are deactivated when you step inside a static Env Box, but you have to update them to get this new feature if you haven't already.
Then you have the Env Probe that allows you to make your own environments inside SL and make sure what you see in the shine is what you see in the area you're in. And to sell your own environments if you wish. It is still a lot of manual actions because you cannot automate the taking of a snapshot or the upload of the resulting picture to SL, nor the linking of the pictures into a projector, it has to be done by hand. What the Env Probe does is position your camera correctly and let you take snapshots in the easiest manner possible, considering all the technical limitations. It is still a lot easier than to do it all by hand from A to Z.
But then, when you have your static Env Box with the pictures of the room it is in, you'll probably want to do the next room as well. And then the next room, and so on. And since the rooms are adjacent, you will get overlapping like I showed above unless you use the Env Box Controller.
In this blog post, I will explain how to use the Env Box Controller and the Env Box Static object which are now both contained in the Env Probe product. Brace for a long post, as there is much to say about this new controller. But if you are a photographer, or if you need to take good pictures for your products, or if you want to equip your own house with env boxes, or if you want to make and sell your own environments, you'll want to read it all.
First of all, let me reiterate how to install a static Env Box (not how to take the pictures, flip them, upload them and put them in the projector, this is already explained here). Let's assume you use the "Env Box Static (rez me)" object, which is a blank but scripted env box, you can rename it what you want but please do not change the description field yet (it should show "^env 0 1 0.75 w" for now). We'll discuss later about what the description field is used for.
Just rez the object named "Env Box Static (rez me)" somewhere near you. It looks like a glowing white semi-transparent cube, it is in fact 7 prims (one root and six child prims) and takes 4 LI. It will remain visible until it is set to its final location or you click on it.
You can either resize it yourself with the white handles of the SL tools or use the Env Probe to resize it to the exact dimensions you want. I recommend using the Env Probe as it gives you more control over the shape of your box.
If you step inside this box all your shiny attachments will show a bright white reflection, to really insist on the fact that it is blank. You can then set all the six white projected pictures with the six pictures you've taken while using the Env Probe (see the blog post explaining how to do it).
Once you have set all the pictures, you can position the "Env Box Static" object to its final location.
To do this, rez your Env Probe somewhere near you then position, rotation and resize it to fit the room. Since it is a single prim, unlike the "Env Box Static" object, you can resize it in any direction. Once done, wear your Env Probe HUD if you haven't already, then click on its "Position" button to make your static Env Box take the position, rotation and dimensions of your probe. You can then derez the probe or move it elsewhere. The Env Box Static object becomes invisible after it was moved and resized, and if a controller is already rezzed and uses the same prefix (see below), it is told to scan for all boxes to update its own knowledge of the topology. If you later need to click on the Env Box, press Ctrl-Alt-T to see it in red (as well as all the invisible stuff around you).
If the controller is not rezzed yet, do it now. Rez the Env Box Controller somewhere in the parcel, it has to be in the same parcel as the Env Boxes you want it to control. It looks like a shiny sphere with "ENV BOX CONTROLLER" embossed on its surface :
That's all. You may go back to making more Env Boxes now.
First usage
If you have made several Env Boxes, let's say one per room in your house, you will quickly notice that only the ones in which an avatar is located will be active, the others will be inactive (i.e. they won't project anything). This means that if you are alone in your house, the reflections will be the ones of the room you're in. If someone else is in another room next door, since the Env Box located in their own room will be active too, there is a chance you will see its projections overlap yours, just like on the picture above. That cannot be helped.
And when you move from room to room, you will notice that as soon as you leave a room its own Env Box deactivates itself, and the one you're entering will activate itself at the same time, keeping the reflections around you accurate and avoiding overlapping.
It does not sound like much but it makes a whole lot of difference, and I will demonstrate it now.
This is my house :
You probably recognize it from my movies, most were shot here, and this house is where the name "Maison De La Marquise" comes from.
Let me show you a few rooms with accurate reflections. Not all the rooms, but those that feature enough landmarks to see them reflected on the surface of my dress.
The hallway with the stairs
The study room that you already know, you can see the stairs of the hallway from here even though the hallway's Env Box is deactivated, this is because of the point of view I took when I made the Env Box of the study room
The kitchen, the study room is visible from here but its own Env Box is deactivated otherwise it would overlap
The training room with a big mirror (and you can see the local Env Box reflecting on its surface, the big specular shine comes from a local light, it has nothing to do with the Env Box). Of course, this is not an actual reflection so I do not reflect in the mirror.
The living room
Upstairs, notice the painting reflecting on my dress
The rubber room with its red checker rubber-padded walls
That rubber room will be of special interest to us, as you will see later on.
The fact that only the Env Box of the room I'm in is active, is all due to the Env Box Controller rezzed somewhere in the house.
In the rest of this post, I will sometimes mention the controller's "service volume". This means the total volume occupied by all the static Env Boxes it controls. Usually that means the volume taken by your house, if all your rooms are set with Env Boxes. If an avatar is inside one of its boxes, then it is inside the service volume, otherwise it is outside of it.
Worn Env Boxes
If you are wearing an Env Box with a real life setting, for example Panorama, Corsica, Tokyo or any one you want, you don't want it to be active while you're inside an Env Box controlled by an Env Box Controller. Otherwise, both projections would overlap.
If you haven't done so, please update your Env Box product and your worn Env Boxes will automatically deactivate themselves when a controller takes over, and reactivate when you leave its service volume, TP out, relog or rez them, or when you switch their Active state off and on again.
If you don't update them, you need to detach your Env Box every time you enter the controller's service volume and reattach it when you leave.
This is the second most important purpose of the Env Box Controller. Some boxes might be inside other boxes, and since you don't want overlapping projections the controller has to be smart and to know which box to activate.
Suppose you're inside a cage and... oh look, what a coincidence, there's a cage in the rubber room :
While inside the cage, you might want the prisoner to reflect the bars around her, and not the cage as seen from the middle of the room (which is what the projections look like when outside the cage).
In other words, you want to see this :
Instead of this :
And certainly not both at the same time :
This is the same sphere at the same location inside the cage, but in the first picture I am with it so it reflects the projections sent by the env box contained inside the cage, in the second picture it reflects those sent by the env box contained inside the room (hence outside the cage), which is bigger. And in the third picture it reflects both which is even worse.
To do this, you need to have an env box inside the cage, obviously, one that projects pictures that were taken from inside the cage, and that's it. The controller handles the rest automatically. In its standpoint, the smaller env box (the one in the cage) carves a hole into the bigger env box (the one occupying the whole rubber room). Therefore, when you are inside the cage, the controller knows that although you are technically inside the rubber room, it must act as if you were only in the cage and not in both.
This works for boxes inside boxes inside boxes, by the way. And boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes... and so on. You get the point.
There is an exception to this rule. If the volume of the smaller box is 90% of the bigger one or more, then the controller won't consider the former to carve the latter, and will instead decide that those two boxes should be mutually exclusive. This is decided by conditions put inside the box parameters, and I will develop this later on because that's an advanced trick.
One word of advice. When you place two static Env Boxes next to each other, for example in two adjacent rooms, please don't make the boxes overlap. If you do and one of them is sufficiently smaller than the other (the 90% I mentioned above), the controller will believe it carves the other one, and it will slow down the periodical checking process (see below) for no real gain.
Although you can let the controller do its job automatically and never bother tweaking it, you still have a lot of control over its behavior thanks to its menu and the description field of each Env Box under its responsibility.
Simply click on your Env Box Controller to get its menu. Only the owner of the controller can do this.
The menu is fairly simple. The main page looks like this, and from there you can open any of the secondary pages (brightness, time of day...) and return to the main page.
Clicking on "Active" switches the controller on and off. When off, all the env boxes under its responsibility are turned off as well, even those that are set to be "always active" (see below).
Main menu
Each page shows some information about the Env Boxes and the controller itself.
- Region time : It is the local time between 0:00 (aka 12 AM) and 23:59 (aka 11:59 PM). The time is NOT a real time but the time calculated from the sun angle. FYI each SL day lasts 4 hours, 3 of which are day time and 1 is night time. In this picture, "5:23" means early morning so the light of the env boxes will be tinted pink.
- Set time : You can set a time manually in the "Time of day" menu, either by clicking on the corresponding button (see below) or by typing it manually. If set, this supersedes the "region time".
- Brightness : From 0.0 to 1.0, it is simply the global brightness which you set the controller to, knowing that each env box has its own factor to apply to it and calculate its own final brightness (see below).
- Optimal gloss. : From 0 to 255, this number represents the glossiness that will look best with the projections of all the boxes (this is a global setting, not a per-box setting). To make it simple, if a surface has a glossiness set to a different number than the optimal glossiness here, the reflections will have gaps or overlaps because the edges of the projected pictures will be blurry. This works exactly the same way than the worn Env Boxes and will be demonstrated later on.
- Prefix : By default "env", you can change it by modifying the description field of the controller. The controller and env boxes containing the EnvBoxClient script (like the "Env Box Static" object) all talk on the same channel, each command being prefixed by this prefix (here "env"), and any object that uses another prefix will simply ignore those commands. This way you can decide what controller controls what boxes by setting them to the same prefix and exclude others by setting their own prefix to something else.
- Boxes : Indicates the number of boxes detected by the controller that use the same prefix.
- Vars : Shows the number of user variables known by the controller. There is always at least the hour of the day and that's why there is a "1" displayed here. If you add more variables manually (see below), this number increases.
- Avg. check time : Indicates how much time is taken during each check, in average. A check occurs every 30 seconds and every time someone collides with one of the Env Boxes, and is meant to scan all the boxes and decide which ones must be active and which ones must be inactive. This is a rather long process (which grows like the number of avatars multiplied by the number of boxes) and this number shows how much time it has been taking since the last reset of the controller's script. Right now, with two avatars in the house and 17 boxes in a relatively healthy sim, it takes about one second per check. If this is too long for you, you can divide and conquer by rezzing more copies of your controller, each one being given a different prefix, and attribute some of the boxes to one, some to another etc. As long as a box from one controller does not carve into a box from another controller, it will work just fine and the controllers will all work in parallel.
- Last check time : This is the time taken by the latest check, just for reference.
Time of day menu
Time of day menu
If the region you're in uses the normal SL day cycle, then the controller is able to capture the right lighting and apply it to the reflections to make them look even more accurate. This is needed because you took your pictures at a certain time of the day, which means the room was lit a certain way when you took them, which might be different at different times of the day. When the sun is rising, you may want your room to be lit with a very slight pink hue, and when the sun is setting you might want a slight orangeish tint as well. That's what the controller does and this menu lets you decide whether to let it decide of the lighting (by selecting "DYNAMIC") or set the time of day yourself (either by choosing one of the buttons or by clicking "CUSTOM" and entering an hour).
Now... this is all good and well but not all Env Boxes must react to the time of day light equally. Some boxes may be outdoors, others may be in rooms with lights and windows, others may be in rooms with lights and no windows. There is a way to set each box individually so that it is more or less impacted by the light of day depending on the setting you think is best. In practice it is just a factor between 0 and 1 that tells the box "apply all the light of day" and "completely ignore the light of day" respectively. More about that below.
Brightness menu
Brightness menu
Not much to say here, except that the brightness (which is 1.0, or 100% by default) is compounded with the brightness factor of each box to find out how bright each box must be.
The brighter, the more visible the reflection on a surface, but increasing the "environment" value of the surface yields the same result. It's entirely your choice what brightness suits you and your guests best.
Personally I like 50% because in the real world the light does not bounce completely off the walls, a part of it is absorbed so setting to 100% is too much, it is like saying the walls emit light, which they don't. As for the lights themselves, they have their own specular shine that makes like a halo around their picture.
Optimal glossiness menu
Optimal glossiness menu
Not all surfaces shine the same way. Some are glossier than others. Glossy surfaces have sharp reflections, less glossy ones have blurry reflections.
Problem is, a blurry reflection means blurry edges, which means gaps between the different projections of an env box. Changing the optimal glossiness to match that of the surface you want to look at corrects the projections so there is no gap nor overlap.
For example, here are three reflective spheres. The left one has a glossiness of 50 (which is quite rough), the middle one has a glossiness of 150 (so like latex or plastic) and the right one has a glossiness of 255 (the max, it is like a polished mirror) :
Here is how they look when the optimal glossiness is set to 255 :
As you can see, there are black gaps on the two spheres on the left, while the right one has crisp reflections.
Now if you set the optimal glossiness to 150, which matches the glossiness of the middle sphere, you get this :
No more gap on the middle sphere, slightly visible gaps on the left sphere, and overlaps (i.e. projections that overlap each other) on the right sphere.
And if you set the optimal glossiness to 50 to match that of the left sphere, you get this :
The left sphere looks good and rough, its reflections are very blurry as expected, the middle sphere has some overlaps but they're not very visible in this room, the right sphere still has crisp reflections (as expected) but obvious overlaps.
For the fun of it, let's give the left sphere 0 glossiness and set the optimal glossiness to 0 :
The left sphere shows how rough you can make a surface (i.e. how blurry its reflection can be). Since the environment value of this sphere is still 255, it looks like a very rough mirror. But you can make it look like shiny plastic if you prefer by lowering its environment value down to 10 or 20 and giving the sphere a tint :
If you wanted actual plastic or rubber, you would set its environment value to 0, but then you wouldn't need any env box at all since the surface wouldn't reflect the projections in the first place. Env Boxes are only useful for shiny surfaces that are supposed to reflect details, not just the specular projections of the local lights. In other words, env boxes are for polished or wet surfaces with an environment value (latex, polished plastic, patent leather, varnished wood, metal, oil...), all the other surfaces (plastic, wood, rubber, leather...) don't need them and won't look different with or without them.
As you can see, there is no ideal number for the optimal glossiness, it all depends on the glossiness of the surface you are most interested in, for example the one you are taking a picture of.
For reference, the surface of the controller changes its glossiness to match the optimal glossiness you chose, so you see what it looks like when inside an env box (you can put the controller anywhere in the parcel, it doesn't matter whether it is inside an env box or not, but in case it is inside one, you then see the reflection change on its surface due to the change in glossiness.
Options menu
Options menu
- "Highlight" will make your env boxes visible (transparent and glowing, the active ones will be white and the others black) in order to make them more easily found.
- "Scan boxes" will force a scan of all the boxes around, in case you just deleted one (rezzing and positioning one will trigger a scan automatically).
- "Get positions" is a useful button to get the physical location of all the boxes controlled by this controller, each location being the position, the rotation and the dimensions of the box. Each message looks like this :
[2019/02/06 06:41] Env Box ~ Office (root): dim <218.56360, 48.02089, 33.68668>^<7.71000, 5.73320, 5.04680>^0.000000
The "dim" part is the command, the first vector is the position of the center of the env box in the sim, the second one is the dimensions in meters, and the third one is the angle around Z in degrees. Simple. If you copy this text to a text file, you can later paste it into the chat in order to set the location of any box (or even a probe) right where this box is.
I will explain below how to position an env box with a "dim" command.
- "Set var" allows you to add or set a user variable into the controller, which will be dispatched to all the boxes so they know whether to hide or show. You enter a variable and a value under the form [variable] = [value] and it will be added into the controller. For example, if you type "x=1" (or "x = 1", spaces are not a concern), then a new variable named "x" will be added to the controller's memory and its value will be "1". If later you enter "x=some_value" then the variable "x" will take the value "some_value" (which is not a number but a string literal, but works just as well). Please don't put spaces in the name of the variable or in the value, as this would not work when writing conditions to test them (see below). Attention, "H" or "h" is reserved for the hour of day. You can change it but it will change back less than 30 seconds later.
- "List vars" : Shows the list of the currently known variables on the chat. There is always at least "h" which is the time of day.
- "Clear vars" : Clears all the variables except "h", the hour of day.
- "Reset" : It just resets the controller. I don't see a real need for it but hey, it's there.
Individual parameters
Now we're getting into the nitty-gritty stuff.
You can actually modify a few parameters in each box individually. Those parameters are contained in the description field of the root prim of any box and look like this :
That's the "^env 0 1 1 w" part. So what does that mean ?
First, the "^" sign is necessary to tell the EnvBoxClient script inside that the description field contains parameters, otherwise it won't read whatever is written there, as a safety.
Second, the script reads what's in the description field (as long as it begins with "^"), but never writes into it, so you are free to enter the parameters you want.
Third, those parameters concern only that env box, if you want to use the same parameters in another one you need to copy the description field of this one to the other one manually. Env Boxes do not talk to each other, only to the controller.
Fourth, each parameter is separated from the others by a space (make sure there's only one space between parameters and not two or more).
Fifth, some additional parameters can be added after the last one ("w" in this example). They are conditions for the activation of the box and they will be developed later on.
Let's review each parameter one by one, from the left to the right.
- Prefix ("env" here) : This value makes the box communicate with any controller (or controllers) which prefix is set to the same word, which cannot have spaces in it. As a reminder, the prefix of the controller is written in its own description field.
- Always active ("0" here) : This value can be either 0 or 1. If set to 1, the box will always be active unless the controller itself is deactivated. This is useful for example if your room is supposed to feature shiny objects (such as animesh avatars, i.e. NPCs) and must reflect on the shiny surfaces even if nobody is in it. If you want the box to always be active regardless of the activity of the controller, well, you can set it to another prefix or remove its EnvBoxClient script altogether.
- Brightness factor ("1" here) : This value can go from -1 to 1 and can be decimal. Remember the Brightness setting of the controller ? If the value is between 0 and 1, it multiplies it to find the final brightness of the projections, so for example 50% and a factor of 0.3 will make a final brightness of 0.15. If the value is between -1 and 0, it sets the brightness to the negative of that value without taking into account the brightness of the controller. In other words, make it negative for absolute, positive for relative.
- Color factor ("1" here) : This value can go from 0 to 1 and can be decimal. This is the factor that is applied to the "time of day" color sent by the controller. It is actually a very important value to consider, because this is the one that determines whether the room is completely outdoors with no artificial lights, or completely indoors with no windows, or anything in the middle. Good values are 0 (completely outdoors without lights, meaning the time of day color will be completely applied to the projections), 1 (completely indoors with no windows, meaning the time of day will not be taken into account by the box at all), 0.5 (indoors with big windows) and 0.75 (indoors with small windows).
- Color ("w" here) : This value is either a RGB vector or "w" which means "white". If your room has a particular color and its projections are tintable, you can change this value but "w" is good for pretty much all boxes. If you do set a custom color, write it like this :
Where R, G and B are the Red, Green and Blue values respectively, each one from 0 to 1. Do not write spaces (as they are separators for the parameters) before or after the numbers. One example of a custom color would be <1,0,0> for a bright red.
If you want to know everything, when the box receives a command from the controller it checks the time of day color and combines it with its own color, attributing the "color factor" value to its own color and 1 minus "color factor" to the time of day color, to determine the final color of the projections. This is why "0" means "outdoors" and "1" means "indoors", it's easier to remember that way.
For example, with a factor of 0 the time of day factor will be 1 and the final color of the projections will be that of the time of day. With a factor of 0.5 (room with lights and big windows), both colors will be combined equally, so if the base color is white (the "w" symbol), then the final color will be a lighter version of the time of day since it is combined 50/50 with white.
This works well for subtly changing the color of the shine indoors depending on the light outside without overdoing it.
Validating the parameters
Whenever you change the parameters of a box, click on it to validate them (otherwise nothing tells it to re-read its parameters, it doesn't do it periodically since most of the time they don't change at all, it would be a waste of resources).
When you click on the box, it also forces a scan of all the boxes in the parcel (in case you just moved or resized it and want to update the controller's knowledge of what boxes carve what other boxes), and allows you to send a "dim" message to it (see below).
The "dim" message
Clicking on a box also opens a listener on channel 456 so you can enter a "dim" message on that channel to reposition the box.
To do this, simply copy one of the "dim" messages you've saved in a text file or anywhere you want, into your clipboard. For example this one :
dim <218.56360, 48.02089, 33.68668>^<7.71000, 5.73320, 5.04680>^0.000000
Remember this line ? This is the "dim" message we got from the "Office" Env Box when we clicked on the "Get positions" button in the Options menu. Let's say you want to position another Env Box at this exact location, maybe after making a mistake and deleting a box you shouldn't have.
Click on the box you want to reposition to open its listener, then say the following line :
/456 env dim <218.56360, 48.02089, 33.68668>^<7.71000, 5.73320, 5.04680>^0.000000
That's "/456 env " followed by the dim message you copied. The "env" part is necessary because like any message received by a box, it must begin with its own prefix, otherwise it will be ignored. Of course, if your box uses another prefix, replace "env" with its prefix.
After 10 seconds or if you click again before that delay, the listener is turned off again.
Attention, clicking on two boxes and sending a "dim" message will reposition both to the same location !
You can use the "dim" message another way too, by sending it to a probe instead of a box. The principle is a little more subtle but works the same way.
Rez your Env Probe if you haven't done so and wear your Env Probe HUD.
Then say the dim message on channel 789 instead of 456, and you do not have to prefix with "env" or anything (but if you do and the HUD uses that prefix, it will work anyway). No need to click on anything. So you say :
/789 dim <218.56360, 48.02089, 33.68668>^<7.71000, 5.73320, 5.04680>^0.000000
... and the probe will take the location and dimensions of those parameters. This is useful if you want to put your probe back where it was after mistakenly derezzing it.
Of course these dim messages are examples, your numbers will be different.
If the parameters section were the nitty-gritty stuff, now we're getting into the thick and hairy.
Are you ready ?
You can add more parameters after the color, and those are additional conditions for the activation of the box.
Instead of writing a long-winded abstract explanation, I will show you an example of when those could be useful.
The gazebo does not have an Env Box, but suppose I want to make one for it :
So let's make one real quick.
First I rez a probe and I wear the HUD.
I resize the probe so it is roughly the same size as the gazebo, like this (it doesn't have to be exact) :
I get out of here to avoid being on the pictures and I start shooting, following the procedure I explained in the Env Probe blog post. After the pictures are taken and flipped, I upload them and set all six to a newly rezzed Env Box Static object that I rename "Env Box ~ Gazebo". I also set the "color factor" to "0" to make it behave like it is outdoors (that's an important part, as you'll see below).
Then I click on that object then on the "Position" button of my Env Probe HUD and the new Env Box goes right where the probe is, ready for use. The controller immediately detects it and starts controlling it. All is well.
I totally did not follow my own advice and let Casper (the cat) get in the way. Cats always get in the way.
In the end I get this reflection :
So, all is well, yes, but what happens when it's night time ? This happens :
The color of the projections becomes a very dark blue, darkening the shine. Since the color factor of the box is 0, the whole time of day color is applied.
This may or may not be what you want, but let's assume this is not what I want because the reflected sky is too bright and the rest is too dark. Let's assume during the night I want a clearer decor with a black sky, like it actually looks in-world at that time.
For this, obviously, I need to make a second env box and position it at the same spot, and I need only one of them to be visible at any time, at most.
To do this, after creating the second env box and placing it where the first one is (it is a good idea to stretch the env probe a little to make the second env box a tad bigger so it is easier to select when you want to tweak it), I need to change its parameters, because right now both boxes will show when I step inside as they are both almost exactly the same volume, so the controller will decide there is no carving, hence no exclusion.
In those parameters, I need to tell one box to be active only from 6 am to 9 pm, and the other one to be active only from 9 pm to 6 am. And I need the latter to not react to day light at all because otherwise it will be tinted dark blue by the controller and I will barely see any shine at all.
Let's go.
In the day Gazebo Env Box, the one I made first, I change the parameters in the description field to :
^env 0 1 0 w H>=6&H<=21
Notice the conditions that weren't there before : "H>=6&H<=21". This means "hour is 6 am or more AND hour is 9 pm or less". The "&" part means "AND" and there is no space before or after that sign.
With these parameters, whenever the time of day broadcast by the controller is outside 6 am and 9 pm included (in other words, when it is night time), the box will remain inactive even if someone is inside it.
Now I modify the other box, the night Gazebo one, and I write this in its description field :
^env 0 1 1 w H<6 h>21
Notice there is no "&" sign this time, but a space instead. This is because you can add several conditions (here there are two : "hour less than 6 am" and "hour greater than 9 pm") and if any one of them is true, then the whole condition is considered true. In other words, if "&" means "AND", a space (" ") means "OR".
Also notice the "1" number before "w", which means "do not take the controller's time of day color into account at all, act like we are indoors" to avoid having the projections tinted by the controller during night time (which, as I pointed out above, would be very dark and we would barely see a thing in the reflections).
Finally, I commit the changes to the description fields by clicking on both boxes so they re-read their parameters.
After all this work, here is the result :
At sunrise, the projection is tinted pink
At noon, the projection is not tinted
At sunset, the projection is tinted orangeish
And at night, the first Gazebo Env Box is deactivated and the second one is activated instead, not tinted at all due to the "1" color factor in its parameters.
So, to recap :
You can add conditions after the color part of the parameters, those conditions are of the form [variable] [operator] [value]
The "variable" part is sent by the controller and by default there is only "H", which means "hour of the day" and its value goes from 0 to 23 included (0 being midnight and 23 being 11 pm). There may be other variables later because the controller is made to aggregate all the variables sent by other devices to help choose the right env box to activate. The Options menu also lets you set variables manually.
The "operator" part is simple, it can be any of those six :
"=" means equality
"!=" means inequality
"<" means "less than"
">" means "greater than"
"<=" means "less than or equal to"
">=" means "greater than or equal to"
And the "value" part is a number or a string literal. For example, "6" or "garage_door_open" or "rainy" or whatever you can think of.
If ANY of the conditions is TRUE, then the test is valid and the env box will be active if someone is in it. If ALL of them are FALSE, the env box will remain inactive no matter what. You can link two conditions or more so they have to be valid all at the same time, by replacing the spaces between them with "&" signs.
For example, you might have a room that may change its appearance significantly enough for you to want to show a different reflection when it does. Maybe you're in a garage and you want a version of the reflection with the main door closed and another one with the main door open. In fact, I will demonstrate this very example so thing are perfectly clear for you.
First of all, here is the garage, and let's assume I will open only the door on the left (given the size and shape of the garage, it would be best to make two adjacent env boxes, but for the sake of the example let's say the door on the right is jammed and cannot be opened).
Here is how it looks with its left door closed :
And here it is with the left door open :
You already know the procedure so I'll make it quick.
Set time to "Midday". Wear Env Probe HUD. Rez Env Probe. Resize Env Probe to the size you want. Move the car out of the way (because it is right in the middle). In fact, move the carts out of the garage too as those are vehicles and they can move. You don't really want them in the reflection since they may or may not be there in the future. And check that the cat is not in the garage. And get out of there as well.
Notice I did not make the probe go all the way up to the ceiling, this is because I want the yellow cross to be about hip-level, since this is where the camera will be when I'll take the snapshots. The reflections will look more natural that way.
Now let's take the snapshots.
Create "Garage" folder. Drag and drop a copy of "flip.bat" in it. Click "Next" on the Env Probe HUD. Set snapshot dimensions to 512x512, take the snapshot, save it as "Garage_F" in the "Garage" folder on the hard drive. Do this five more times for "Garage_R", "Garage_B", "Garage_L", "Garage_U" and "Garage_D" respectively. Yes, "Front" is where the workbench is and "Back" is where the door is. It should be the other way around, but it totally doesn't matter. I just didn't bother to rotate the Env Probe, that's all.
Run "flip.bat" once. Upload all six pictures.
Rez "Env Box Static". Edit it, change its name to something relevant (for example "Env Box ~ Garage (closed)" and add a relevant condition after the parameters in the description field, like "garage_door=closed", like this :
Then modify all its six child prims by dragging and dropping the corresponding texture into their respective projector texture slots, one by one.
Once done, click on the "Position" button on the Env Probe HUD, and the first env box is complete.
Now open the door and do all this again. Notice that only the "GarageOpen_B" picture is different from its counterpart, all the others are the same because the shadows do not change inside the garage. So that allows us to upload only this one (after flipping it) and use the other five pictures we've already taken without having to upload them again. Yay, we've saved L$50 in the process.
Before positioning the second env box, stretch the probe a little so it is not exactly the same size as the first one. That way, the env boxes will be easier to select or click on individually.
Edit the second env box and give it a different name (like "Env Box ~ Garage (open)") and more importantly, a different parameter, like "garage_door=open" :
And click on the "Position" button on the Env Probe HUD, and the second env box is complete.
Now what happens after the controller updates all its boxes ? First thing you notice, is that neither of those two boxes is active :
The reason for this is simple : the "garage_door" variable does not exist, and if a variable does not exist, its value is considered to be equal to the name of the variable. Since the word "garage_door" is not equal to the word "open" nor "closed", both boxes stay inactive.
If you're a programmer you must be jumping through the roof right about now... as most interpreted programming languages set a default value to "0" or to an empty string, or raise an error, but none that I know actually pretends that the value of an unknown variable is the very name of that variable.
I made it this way for another simple reason : "garage_door=closed" is interpreted as "Is the value of the variable named 'garage_door' equal to the value of the variable named 'closed' ?". Because "closed" could be the name of another variable after all so this allows dereferencing a variable. Of course, I could have required putting a string literal between quotes and it would have been a lot more consistent with existing languages, but let's not forget that we have only 64 characters in the description field, so every character is precious.
Now, how do we make one of the boxes show and not the other ? Let's test by setting the "garage_door" variable to "closed" in the controller. Click on the controller, go to "Options...", then click on "Set var" and write "garage_door = open" :
And click "Submit".
Tadaa ! There is only one reflection and that's the one with the door open.
Now do the same but enter "garage_door = closed" as the variable :
And here is the result :
This time, the "garage door closed" env box is active, the other one is inactive.
When one box is active, the other is inactive. They are said to be mutually exclusive.
Now, something more fun and that will show you that you seldom have to create several env boxes for the same room.
The three parameters "always active", "brightness factor" and "color factor" are actually expressions, not fixed values. This means that they are evaluated not when they are read in the description field, but when the box status is set by the controller.
In other words, you can write variables instead of numbers in those three fields, and that can prove very useful at times.
For example, let's assume I want the Study Room to be lit the way it is now when the lights are on, but to depend on the light of day when they're off. How do we do that without having to make two env boxes for this room ?
Right now the reflection in the study room during the day looks like this :
At night with the lights on it looks like this :
At night with the lights off the room looks a lot different from the reflection on the sphere :
The overall ambiance is darker but the reflection is just as bright as before, which is to be expected since the projections are barely darkened by the controller because the color factor is 0.75 :
This means that at any time, the final color of the projections is 25% the one decided by the controller and 75% white. So it's mostly always bright.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could condition that factor with the state of the lights in that room ? If we turned the lights off, wouldn't it make sense to darken the room at night ?
Well, it is very easy to do. Replace the "0.75" part with "study_lights*0.75", like this :
Then click on the study room's env box to take these new parameters into account.
And now the projection is much darker :
The calculated color factor is now 0 because "study_lights" does not exist as a variable yet, so the box interprets the expression "study_lights*0.75" as "study_lights converted to a number" (which is 0) multiplied by a 0.75, which gives 0.
Now if you set the variable "study_lights" to "1" in the controller :
Voilà, the projections are bright again even though it is dark outside. I turned the actual lights of the room on to look better, but for now the controller and the box don't react to them. Yet.
If you set the "study_lights" variable to 0, the projections color will be back to whatever the controller says according to the time of day.
You must be thinking "I don't want to have to enter variables names and values manually in the controller", and you're right, it would be tedious. How about writing a script that does it for you ?
Let's write a script that switches an internal variable between 0 and 1 every time the object it is in is touched by someone. It is, frankly, a trivial script to write, any programmer can do that. If you're not a programmer, don't panic, I will write the source code for you below.
Of course, changing an internal variable when touched is good, but that variable must be exported to the controller when it changes, right ? That's what the script will do.
Let's go.
First thing first, make sure the light is OFF because the script will initially begin with a "0" value in its "light" variable, and we want to make sure it stays in sync with the state of the actual light (since there is no communication between this sample script and the actual script managing the lights).
Here is what the study room light switch looks like when edited :
The "A.E." scripts are not my work but the "Light" script is (I wrote it long ago to control the lights the way I want). We're not going to modify that script now, instead we will create a new one by clicking on the "New Script" button :
Then double-click on that new script to open its source code :
Now copy the following code and paste it over the existing code of the script you've created :
integer nLight = 0; // 0 is off, 1 is on
default {
state_entry () {
touch_start(integer num_detected) {
nLight = 1 - nLight; // 0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0
llRegionSay (-0514220319, "env^set^study_lights^" + (string)nLight); // tell the controller about the change
This script is very crude but it gets the job done. Now whenever someone clicks on the light switch, the study room env box switches between "make the projection bright" and "make the projection take the controller's color".
You can verify at any time the value of "study_lights" in the controller by clicking on "List vars" in the Options menu.
The operation is done by sending the line "env^set^study_lights^" followed by the value of the lights (0 for off, 1 for on), on the channel -0514220319, which is a special channel the controller listens to.
If the controller's prefix is not "env" but something else, replace "env" in the script with that something else.
The string is constructed like this :
And it must be sent on channel -0514220319.
The "^" character is the separator. It is a personal preference of mine as it makes it easier to read when debugging, and it is a character we seldom use ^_^.
In our script the prefix is "env", the command is "set" and there are only two parameters : "study_lights" and the value of the nLight variable.
Of course this script is just an example, but now you know that you can set variables into the controller remotely and automatically, and you know how to do that. There is a copy of it in the product box in case you want to take a look and make your own.
There are some limitations to this product that come from SL and that cannot be circumvented.
Firstly, the projections are deformed if your Env Box is too flat in one dimension, they look best when the Env Box is a cube. Naturally, not all rooms are cubes so you do what you can, and the resulting reflections will not look too bad anyway, but do expect a stretch when you make your Env Box too flat.
Secondly, as pointed above, since an Env Box activates itself (unless specified otherwise) when an avatar is inside it, two adjacent Env Boxes may be active at the same time if there is an avatar in each one of them, resulting in overlapping projections on one side.
Thirdly, the maximum distance for a projection is 20 m, so you cannot make your Env Boxes much bigger than that, so forget about making an Env Box that surrounds your whole sim, it won't work. What does work is take pictures of your sim and make a worn Env Box with them, and asks your guests to wear a copy of it when they're in your sim. It's not ideal, but it does the job.
Updating your Boxes and Controller
At some point in the future there might be an update for the Env Probe, the static Env Boxes and the Env Box Controller. If you update your Env Probe you will get a whole new package... but what about all the boxes you've already rezzed and tweaked carefully ?
Don't worry, you won't need to redo all this work again, the Env Probe product comes with an "Env Box Client Updater" object which looks like a shiny black ball with drops of water all over its surface :
This sphere contains two scripts : the updater script and the new EnvBoxClient script, the same one (but the updated version) as the one in each one of your static env boxes.
Simply click on it and wait, and it will update all your static Env Boxes one by one.
Once again, if you use another prefix than "env", please change the description field of the updater to match, because it only updates the boxes which use the same prefix.
The controller itself will likely have to be replaced, but it is just a matter of derezzing the old and rezzing the new in its stead. And perhaps changing its prefix if you need, but nothing more complicated than that.
Whew ! That was a long post. I hope you will have fun creating your own environments !
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