Monday, November 19, 2007

Welcome !

Hello dear Second Life Resident, you somehow managed to stumble upon my little corner of web, looking for... what were you looking for by the way ?

I bid you welcome, fellow-traveler. Before you go further, please allow me to introduce myself. My Second Life name is Marine Kelley, I am the creator and owner of the RealRestraint brand in Second Life, and also initiator of the growing RestrainedLife custom viewer that some people use for fun.

Now that's a lot of "Restraints" in one sentence... that's because I'm a BDSM addict. I could talk about it for years (and probably will), but for now just be warned, this blog will be kinky. lol.

It will be dedicated to give news and updates about my products, tips and tricks, how-to's,
rants, infos about the viewer, and of course links to related blogs. I won't update regularly but then, who does ?

Now that we know each other better, feel free to leave a comment, suggestion, useful info, or just say Hi !

Have fun !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My master & myself have got a blogger about bdsm too, and we use RLV so thank you so much for this viewer, we love it !
Would you like to become a member of our blogger ?
We are on yours.
Best regards,