Saturday, March 26, 2011

Restrained Love v2.5 coming soon, addendum

Hi again,

It seems the change I had planned on the @attach command actually put a lot of people in trouble. Or at least would if it were adopted, so I will postpone it until further notice.

So finally :

- The @attach command on RLV 1.x, will REPLACE the attachment that was present, by the one the command is attaching

- The @attach command on RLV 2.x (including 2.5) will REPLACE the present attachment, UNLESS the name of the folder to attach begins with a "+" (or whatever the user choses), in which case it would ADD it without detaching what was already there.

- The @attachover command stays in RLV 2.x and is not meant to go away.

- The @attachoverorreplace command will STILL be added (in case some of you already started to update your products), and will act EXACTLY like the current @attach command.

I'll be honest, this keeps an inconsistency that I hoped to get rid of. But not at the expense of the users and the scripters.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

PS : this blog post is likely to be followed closely by another one announcing the release of RLV 2.5, since I am finalizing it at the time of this writing.