Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New product : Chariot

Hi !

Right on the heels of the release of the Sulky, here is the second cart I've been making lately : the Chariot !


Bondage is often very fetish, modern and sometimes sci-fi, but... a little antiqueness cannot hurt either. Inspired by 60's and 70's peplums and a bit of John Willie's work, this Roman-style Chariot will fit your kinky vintage fantasies !

Like the Sulky, this cart is dedicated to races, but it needs at least two ponies to handle well as it is heavier. In fact, it is made for up to four ponies at the same time, hitched in a line !

Each glowing orb is a sitting spot. If you have an odd number of ponies (say 1 or 3), you can have one sit on the fork itself, which is a sitting spot as well, so the formation stays balanced :

One pony (centered) and one passenger

 Three ponies (one in the middle, two at the extremes)

Same seen from above

Here you can see a quadriga (four ponies) walking slowly :

Prancing :

Or even with their legs chained ! Yes this means they walk slower.

In fact, you can have them walk, prance, run, or hobble in chains, or ropes, or even hop with their legs tied together ! It works exactly like the other carts.

Take a look at the features :

* 5 spots for the ponies (4 max at a time), 1 seat for the driver, 1 seat for the passenger.
* Many smooth, original animations that you can change while driving. Walk, walk slowly, walk back, run, turn left and right, several sits and stands.
* Leash ring on the rear to leash prisoners to (compatible with RealRestraint products).
* Realistic handling : the speeds match that of a walking or a running avatar.
* The weight varies with the number of avatars sitting.
* Ready to be used with the Racing System from Marine's Goodies.
* Slows down when bumping into a static object or into land.
* Allows the ponies to boost up to twice their power, at the expense of steering.
* The ponies can have their legs bound and the cart will move slower as a result (and the animations are different).
* Entirely mesh for a better look and a lower prim count.
* Entirely configurable through notecards. Too slow ? Too fast ? Want to add anims and sounds ? No problem. This manual even explains how to do that. Make this cart your own !
* The wheels turn independently according to the speed of the cart. For instance, the inner one will be slower than the outer one when turning. They are not scripted, for a lighter sim usage.
* Choose the color you prefer.
* Return home or self-destruct immediately or some delay after people have disembarked.
* The ponies can type while walking and running, no need to keep the up arrow pressed to walk. This makes it easier to emote while working !
* Sounds of footsteps, synchronized with the walk and run.
* Sounds of wheels, different ones depending on the speed of the cart.
* More animations and sounds are provided than those that are used, for more customization.
* Can switch in and out of Mouselook.
* Several levels of access : open to all, group only for ponies, group only for passengers, group only for both, and owner only.
* Can hitch the ponies through their RLV relay, and they will stay locked to the cart even if they relog.
* Not spammy, messages are sent only to the relevant user.
* Updates are free.
* Copy/mod with mod instructions.


The box also contains 11 textures for the front shield, plus the UV map if you want to make your own. See the manual for details.

The minimalist tack used in the pictures and videos is also included in the box, copy/mod/no-trans, for a little retro (and a bit tacky) fetish touch ! The horns are individual faces so you can color them or hide them as you like, same for the blades and the other metal parts. The "Hold Breasts" physics are there in case you use physics for your breasts. Since the nipple shields are unrigged, they wouldn't move with them anyway. To complete this tack, I recommend those heels, which are the ones worn by the ponies and the driver in these pictures and videos : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HC-Jules-Gladiator-Boot-Gold-for-Slink-High/6895607

The Chariot costs for L$600, is copy/mod/no-trans, takes 19 prims and is sold through my Marine's Goodies brand of products.

You can find one of the vendors at my main shop in Pak :


(it's the small vendor to the left of the RealRestraint one)

Another vendor is in Lineside :

There are of course other vendors at various public places in SL.

Thank you for watching !

Have fun !


PS : Yes I know that the driver's helmet is that of a Hoplite, which was a Greek unit and not a Roman one. And that her shield was probably never seen on the Roman campaigns. Neither her heels for that matter, or even any of her armor... But who cares ! It's fantasy ! *g*

The driver's armor comes entirely from this shop : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/46959 (look for "Hoplite helmet", "War Kitten" and "Beauty Shield"). Except for her heels which are the same ones as the ponies. Whose restraints are the Restrained Elegance set and the Deluxe Gag and its Bridle.

Thanks to Keiyra Aeon, Danna Pearl and Angelina Sinclair for their help with the taking of these pictures and videos !

Monday, September 28, 2015

New product : Sulky cart

Hi !

More than three years ago I created two carts : the Dogcart and the Phaeton cart. They have been a huge success since then and you can see them pretty much all over the ponyplay sims, because they handle smoothly and are a real joy to drive. Especially when the ponies are blindfolded and using the Riding Reins HUD !

But I always felt that more carts were needed, specifically for racing, which the Dogcart and the Phaeton were not made for in the first place (but their latest update does bring them "up to speed", so to speak).

So here is one small cart dedicated to pony cart races : the Sulky !

Here it is in action :

This cart is a very light and narrow one (so it is easier to overtake), made for one pony and one driver only, and is designed from the real life cart of the same name that you can see on every race track in the world. Fast and agile, it is the ideal vehicle for sexy pony cart races !

The driver has 6 different positions for the feet, to make sure they fit the stirrups regardless of their size. Press the left and right arrow keys at the same time to switch between all of them.

Take a look at the features :

* 1 strap for the pony, 1 seat for the driver.
* Many smooth, original animations that you can change while driving. Walk, walk slowly, walk back, run, turn left and right, several sits and stands.
* Realistic handling : the speeds match that of a walking or a running avatar.
* The weight varies with the number of avatars sitting.
* Ready to be used with the Racing System from Marine's Goodies.
* Slows down when bumping into a static object or into land.
* Allows the pony to boost up to twice her power, at the expense of steering.
* The pony can have her legs bound and the cart will move slower as a result (and the animations are different).
* Entirely mesh for a better look and a lower prim count.
* Entirely configurable through notecards. Too slow ? Too fast ? Want to add anims and sounds ? No problem. This manual even explains how to do that. Make this cart your own !
* The wheels turn independently according to the speed of the cart. For instance, the inner one will be slower than the outer one when turning. They are not scripted, for a lighter sim usage.
* Choose the color you prefer.
* Return home or self-destruct immediately or some delay after people have disembarked.
* The pony can type while walking and running, no need to keep the up arrow pressed to walk. This makes it easier to emote while working !
* Sounds of footsteps, synchronized with the walk and run.
* Sounds of wheels, different ones depending on the speed of the cart.
* More animations and sounds are provided than those that are used, for more customization.
* Can switch in and out of Mouselook.
* Several levels of access : open to all, group only for ponies, group only for passengers, group only for both, and owner only.
* Can hitch the pony through their RLV relay, and they will stay locked to the cart even if they relog.
* Not spammy, messages are sent only to the relevant user.
* Updates are free.
* Copy/mod with mod instructions.

You might have noticed among this list of features that the pony can be bound... It works exactly like the Mousewheel and the Treadmill, just take a look at those videos :

Walking with the legs chained



Even with the legs tied together !

Fastest !

There is also a portable cart rezzer that looks like a tattoo (on the butt) and that is empty. Simply drop a copy of your Sulky into it after having rezzed it on the ground, then wear it, click on it and... Spank ! A Sulky appears !

The Sulky Cart costs for L$300, is copy/mod/no-trans, takes 7 prims and is sold through my Marine's Goodies brand of products.

You can find one of the vendors at my main shop in Pak :


(it's the small vendor to the left of the RealRestraint one)

There are of course other vendors at various public places in SL.

Have fun !


PS : If you're wondering what kind of tack the ponygirl is wearing in these pictures and videos, just take a look here : http://realrestraint.blogspot.com/2015/07/latex-ponies-and-puppies-everywhere.html

Update to the Dogcart and Phaeton carts

Heya !

As I am releasing the latest carts from Marine's Goodies, here is a big update to the existing ones, the Dogcart and the Phaeton ! This will set the version number to v1100, which is the minimum version number for the Racing System to be compatible with.

This update is meant to fix a few annoyances and to bring them a lot more features, such as the ability to boost, to react to collisions and to special surfaces and to make them naturally compatible with the Racing System from the same brand. Let me detail the main improvements contained in this update :


A prim has been added to the carts so they can detect a collision with a wall or a border. This prim does not touch the ground so it isn't triggered continuously, but only when you collide into something, even a steep land slope (some tracks use land as borders). Here it is in red, but it is invisible normally :

When the cart collides into a wall, or to be precise, when the bumper collides with something that is static, or land, but neither a moving object nor an avatar, the speed of the cart decreases for a brief period of time. This allows for races at last !

Reacts to driving on land and on special surfaces

The special surfaces provided with the Racing System make the cart slow down or boost up, depending on their parameters. The carts also slow down a bit when driving on land, but that depends on the cart, the lighter the more sensitive to off-road driving. The Phaeton is nearly insensitive to off-road but the Dogcart will slow down more when driving on land.


When a pony is at speed 3 (the running speed), she can still try to go faster by pressing the Page Up key a few more times. Doing so boosts her pulling power to 125%, 150%, 175% and 200% (the max) for a short period of time, during which her steering power is significantly reduced. Each boost level ends after 3 seconds, so if she is at 200% she will need 12 seconds before going back to normal speed and handling. During that time, she can neither slow down nor stop, so this is something to be careful with, otherwise it is easy to bump into a wall or a border and waste all the time gained by boosting.


The driver is given a "Handbrake" button, allowing them to stop the cart fully, even while moving, even on a slope with ponies and passengers. It takes a little time to go down to a stop, so it isn't a good option to use while the ponies are boosting, it wastes time.


Yes you read that right... Remember the Mousewheel and Treadmill being able to modify their configurations according to the bondage you put the submissive in ? Well, the carts can do the same too now ! You can have their legs chained, hobbled or even tightly bound, and the cart will have totally different speeds and handlings. All you have to do is click on the cart, go to "Config..." and choose the one that looks the most like how your ponies are bound. Then select the hitching spot(s) to configure and wait a little.

Better collision volumes

Before this update, the carts would appear to hover a little above the ground... This was due to the tires being sculpted prims, which apparently come with a bigger collision volume than what they appear. This has been fixed now, the tires are mesh and part of the wheels themselves (allowing for a reduction in prim count in the process), and the carts now stay on the ground. Even better, they are now more tolerant to bumps in the road !

Better following of the slopes

Now the carts follow the slopes much better, instead of always staying level for a few seconds before raising or diving. This was due to a parameter in the vehicle itself being set wrong.

Better handling for the 2-pony Phaeton

The 2-pony Phaeton was too difficult to handle, as it was treated like a 4-pony one without the additional hitches. But it should have been lighter and now it handles well.

Imposed delay between consecutive speed changes

When changing speed twice in a row in the same direction (twice down or twice up, but not up then down nor down then up), a delay of 1 second is imposed to make it a bit longer to slow down or to speed up.

Communicates with the Racing System natively

When you get in the driver seat, the Racing System nearby (if any) is informed, no need to register yourself manually. When you stand up, you are removed from the race automatically as well. When you change the color of your cart, the nearby Racing System is informed as well, as the color is like the team you are a member of.

Phaeton has different steering powers according to the side of the hitch

Same for the Chariot. A pony hitched on the left of the cart will steer left better than right, and vice-versa. And on the 4-pony Phaeton, the rear ponies have better pulling power than the front ones, but poorer steering power.

Optimized land impact

Now the Dogcart takes 21 prims (it was 26 before this update), the 2-pony Phaeton takes 16 prims (it used to be 25) and the 4-pony one takes 18 prims (against 26 before).

To update your carts, simply click on your Dogcart and/or Phaeton carts, go to "Maintenance...", then press "New version ?". This will make your cart contact the server which will send you a new box right away.

Have fun !


Thursday, September 17, 2015

RLV 2.9.14

Hi !

I've been silent lately, only because I was (and still am) working hard on my next three products, which will be released soon and at the same time ! But I've also been working on a few bug fixes for the RLV, so here it is !

- fixed : When under @accepttp (specific or global) and requested to give a teleport offer by someone, we would be sent to the "Teleporting" black screen indefinitely (thanks Vanilla Meilli for the heads-up).

- fixed : Removed the brackets around the "offline/online" notifications, as well as the list of RLV restrictions on the chat history.

- fixed : @shownote prevented from opening scripts contained in objects (thanks Chorazin Allen for the heads-up and the repro).

- fixed : @shownames did not take display names into account in some cases (thanks Chorazin Allen for the heads-up and the repro).

You can grab the RLV for Windows here :


Direct download :

And the MD5 hash for the executable is :

Have fun !